IRVING—Messengers to the 14th session of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention annual meeting passed resolutions on the personhood of the unborn, Israel, biblical manhood and womanhood, financial stewardship, and appreciation for the outgoing president, Byron McWilliams of Odessa.
The text of the resolutions, as approved, are listed below:
Resolution #1
On The Personhood of the Unborn
WHEREAS, holy Scripture states that the very soul of an individual exists in the womb beginning at conception (Jeremiah 1:5-6; Psalm 139:13; Isaiah 49:1); and
WHEREAS, the Southern Baptist Convention is on record in The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message as affirming our belief that “we should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death”; and
WHEREAS, Texas Southern Baptists have historically accepted the challenge to declare God’s moral standard as a foundation of His good news; and
WHEREAS, the very first resolution passed at the 1998 constitutional convention of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention was to affirm that life begins at conception and that all human life is created by God and sacred; and
WHEREAS, in the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chief Justice Harry Blackmun, writing for the majority of justices, stated, “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment,” thus the court found that the developing fetus was human but not a person and therefore separated humanity and personhood within the womb; and
WHEREAS, the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution states that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”; now, therefore, let it be
RESOLVED, we, the messengers to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, assembled in Irving, Texas, November 14-15, 2011, affirm that the personhood and humanity of the unborn begins at conception; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm that all human life in the womb should have the protection rights of personhood under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm and support those states that have a “Personhood Amendment” under consideration for their respective states to adopt; and be it finally
RESOLVED, we encourage our elected Texas legislators to adopt an amendment that would affirm the personhood of the unborn.
Resolution #2
On Israel
WHEREAS, on May 14, 1948, the nation of Israel was created, becoming the only majority Jewish nation in the world; and
WHEREAS, the national sovereignty of Israel was recognized by the United Nations in 1949; and
WHEREAS, Scripture details various covenants God makes with man, and one of these covenants is the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12:1-3, 6-7; 13:14-17; 15; 17:1-14; 22:15-18); and,
WHEREAS, one of the promises of the Abrahamic covenant concerns the land of modern-day Israel (Genesis 12:7; 13:14-15; 15:18-21; Deuteronomy 30:1-10), which God promised to Abraham’s descendants; now, therefore, let it be
RESOLVED, we, the messengers to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, assembled in Irving, Texas, November 14-15, 2011, recognize and affirm the right of the nation of Israel to exist in its current location; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm that the nation of Israel must maintain justice for all living within her borders (Exodus 22:21; Deuteronomy 10:19); and be it further
RESOLVED, we denounce revenge as a response for any past offenses (Romans 12:17-21), but support the right of sovereign nations to use force to defend themselves against aggressors; and be it further
RESOLVED, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), asking for the true peace of our Lord to touch the lives of all peoples residing in the nation of Israel; and be it further
RESOLVED, we call on both the Jewish and Palestinian people to pursue and adopt policies that cultivate genuine peace between themselves and their neighbors; and be it finally
RESOLVED, we affirm that the families of the world are blessed through the physical line of Abraham (Genesis 12:3; 22:18), which is a reference to the Messiah, who came from the line of Abraham (Matthew 1:1).
Resolution #3
On Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
WHEREAS, God’s desire in the gospel is to redeem for Himself a covenant people made up of men and women (Galatians 3:27-28); and
WHEREAS, men and women are both created in the image of God and have equal worth and value (Genesis 1:27); and
WHEREAS, an explicit result of the gospel is that in salvation both men and women are equal in Christ, (Galatians 3:27-28; 1 Peter 3:7); and
WHEREAS, there is much cultural confusion regarding the roles of men and women in the church and the home; and
WHEREAS, God has given both men and women vital and distinct roles in the life and function of the church, desiring the gospel to be portrayed through biblically structured gender relations in the home (Romans 16:1-15; Philemon 1-2; 2 John 1; Ephesians 5:21-33; 1 Timothy 2); now, therefore, let it be
RESOLVED, we, the messengers to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, assembled in Irving, Texas, November 14-15, 2011, affirm that God has a plan to create one new people in Christ, made up of men and women; and be it further
RESOLVED, we condemn any action which in nature or intent denies the inherent equality of men and women; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm the value of both men and women for the work and ministries of the local church; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm the call of women to many ministries in the church, but recognize that the office of pastor is limited to men; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm that God has established the husband as the head of the home and that the wife should graciously follow his leadership as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ; and be it further
RESOLVED, we affirm that God has called the husband to love his wife through service and sacrifice—in the manner of Christ’s love for the church—as he bears the responsibility to lead, protect and provide for his family, not acting in a manner which will diminish her worth or joy; and be it finally
RESOLVED, we encourage churches to increase the ways in which they encourage and enable both men and women to serve in the church, and to instruct members in biblical manhood and womanhood.
Resolution #4
On Financial Stewardship
WHEREAS, God’s directive is that the whole tithe (10%), the biblical model for the financial support of the local church, be brought to the storehouse (Malachi 3:10); and
WHEREAS, according to the December 2008 Christianity Today, the median annual giving for an American Christian is slightly over one-half of one percent of after-tax income; and
WHEREAS, the overwhelming amount of personal indebtedness has also impacted the financial strength of our churches and cooperative ministries; and
WHEREAS, everything we are and have is a gift from Almighty God (James 1:17); and
WHEREAS, Christ affirmed the tithe in addition to weightier matters (Matthew 23:23) and He is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 10:4); now, therefore, let it be
RESOLVED, we, the messengers to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, assembled in Irving, Texas, November 14-15, 2011, exhort all Texas Southern Baptists to tithe cheerfully to their local churches; and be it further
RESOLVED, we encourage Texas Southern Baptists to eliminate the bondage caused by consumer debt (Proverbs 22:7); and be it finally
RESOLVED, we encourage Texas Southern Baptists to consider the role our tithes play in supporting the local church and Southern Baptist cooperative ministries.
Resolution #5
On Appreciation for President Byron McWilliams
WHEREAS, Pastor Byron McWilliams has served as president of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention for the years 2010 and 2011; and
WHEREAS, President McWilliams has led our convention with great grace, dignity and integrity, demonstrating a Christ-like spirit; and
WHEREAS, President McWilliams has a missionary heart and vision for the nations, supporting missions causes nationally and internationally in obedience to the Great Commission; and
WHEREAS, Pastor Byron McWilliams’ term as president ends with the conclusion of our 2011 annual meeting; now, therefore, let it be
RESOLVED, we, the messengers to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, assembled in Irving, Texas, November 14-15, 2011, express our appreciation to Pastor Byron McWilliams for his service and leadership as convention president and to the First Baptist Church, Odessa, Texas, for their sacrificial generosity in sharing their pastor with our convention.