Month: June 2021

Churches host Rockdale’s first multiracial baccalaureate to ‘focus on unity’

ROCKDALEThe Rockdale High School class of 2021 expected to graduate on the football field, but the ceremony was moved inside Tiger Gymnasium because of inclement weather. The May 28 event capped typical senior festivities like the senior parade, senior fun day, awards and scholarship assemblies, and the time-honored tradition of a church baccalaureate service. 

This year’s May 16 baccalaureate service featured a twist for the seniors who call the Central Texas town—population just over 5,500 in 2019—home. 

The 3A school’s Facebook page posted photos of the service with the banner: “Had a great time at Springfield Baptist Church with a focus on Unity!”

It was the first time in the community’s history that a multi-racial baccalaureate ceremony was held, to the knowledge of Steve Ammons, pastor of Meadowbrook Baptist Church.

“As far as I have been told, Rockdale has always had two baccalaureate services for the graduating seniors,” Ammons told the TEXAN, explaining that one service had traditionally been sponsored by the Rockdale Ministerial Alliance with a separate service put on by local African American churches.

After an allegedly racist incident at the high school prompted the Rockdale student body to organize a march in support of Black Lives Matter, local pastors decided something had to be done.

“We knew we needed to see a change,” Ammons said.

As a start, Ammons met with Pastor Shawn Hancock of Springfield Missionary Baptist Church to plan the combined baccalaureate.

“We wanted to show these students, parents and the community that we are one in Christ. It does not matter what your skin color is; as long as you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you are our brothers and sisters,” Ammons said.

The “deep dividing line” that has characterized parts of Rockdale has improved in recent years, Ammons added, a trend he hopes the unified ceremony will help continue.

“If we are going to get our town united and break the racial barrier, the churches are going to have to do it,” Ammons said, expressing sentiments shared by both Black and White pastors.

Hancock agreed, telling the TEXAN: “We wanted to show if there’s going to be unity and peace, it has to start in God’s house first.”

Ammons said he met with Brent Hasselbach, Rockdale High School principal, to discuss the event and found the administration supportive.

An afternoon of unity

The pastors decided that this year, the combined afternoon service would be held at Springfield, traditionally the site of the Black ceremony. Ammons would give the keynote address. Next year’s baccalaureate will likely rotate to Meadowbrook, with Hancock addressing attendees and parents.

“We are already making plans to continue this and not let this be a one-time thing,” Ammons said.

In addition to Ammons, this year’s baccalaureate featured Royal Johnson, pastor of Rising Star Baptist Church and Rockdale ISD Superintendent Denise Monzingo as speakers. 

“We thank you, God, that you have pulled us together as one body as believers,” Hancock opened, welcoming families and graduates and asking the Lord to watch over and care for the seniors.

Clara Brooks of New Jerusalem church, wife of Pastor Dennis Brooks who was unable to attend because of illness, cautioned graduates that “words are powerful” and urged them to be careful about what they say, see and hear.

Ammons reminded those attending that Rockdale had previously held separate services and that “It doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, how much is in your bank account, if you have a relationship with Christ.”

As applause and amens rippled through the sanctuary, he said, “No matter how we divide ourselves, there’s one banner under which we can stand. And that is a banner that reads, ‘Child of God,’” citing Galatians 3:26-28.

Students also spoke, giving testimonies and reading Scripture. A representative of the Gideons distributed Bibles to the graduates. The event was livestreamed on the Springfield Facebook page.

“Be blessed and do your best, in Jesus’ name,” Johnson exhorted the graduates as the service drew to a close.

The in-person turnout was smaller than expected with about 12 percent of the graduating class attending. Ammons admitted that COVID may have played a role in attendance. 

Feedback has been encouraging, Ammons and Hancock both confirmed.

“It’s been awesome … everybody had a great time when we came together” Hancock said, noting that Ammons was the first pastor of another race to preach at Springfield. 

In comments to the TEXAN, Monzingo said the district was “thrilled to have a united baccalaureate this year. She called the ceremony “amazing, as churches from around the community came together to show our students what unity looks like.” Finding “common ground” is important for students, she added. 

The combined service also marked the start of a “lifelong relationship between the churches and the pastors,” Hancock said. “Whether Black pastors or White pastors, our job is to build the kingdom of God.”

Hancock predicted future benefits of the combined service: “God is moving in a direction, with this baccalaureate service, to be able to help the community come together.”

Ammons said church-led work toward unity will continue in Rockdale, adding that Meadowbrook has been invited to join in Juneteenth celebrations this year. Other multiracial ministry events—including outreaches and shared pulpits—are in the works, he said, adding that he has already been invited to speak at another Black church.

“We’re going to keep pushing. We started and we’re not going to let up,” Hancock said. 

NAMB missionaries attend Southern Baptist Annual Meeting, connect with SBC family

NASHVILLE—The North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) Send Network hosted its first live, in-person episode of the “We Are Send Network” podcast during the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Nashville. Ed Stetzer, executive director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center, shared his perspective on the direction of church planting after a tumultuous year.

“Churches have been remarkably hard hit during this time,” Stetzer said. “The isolation [from the pandemic] created a cultural tumult that has fast-forwarded cultural change, maybe 10 years in a year.”

Ed Stetzer (right), executive director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center, served as a special guest of the “We Are Send Network” podcast during the Send Network Breakfast at the SBC Annual Meeting. Pictured from left to right: Noah Oldham, a senior director at NAMB; Heiden Ratner, Las Vegas Send City Missionary; and Dhati Lewis, president of Send Network. NAMB photo

Stetzer recounted many of the divisive issues that arose to the forefront during the pandemic season—racial tension, political tension, tension over how to handle the pandemic.

“All of these things took place, and I used to say for pastors, if five percent of your church isn’t mad at you, you’re probably not doing anything significant. That’s just part of leadership,” Stetzer said. “But now we’re finding it’s 20-25 percent. Most of us are not prepared for this scenario, and I believe this scenario is going to last years. I don’t believe the pandemic ends the cultural convulsion.”

In helping church planters grasp how to navigate the cultural moment, Stetzer pointed the audience back to the last cultural upheaval that took place in the 1960s. He provided an example of one church in California that saw a move of God during that season.

“The question to me is, will we join Jesus on his mission in the midst of this cultural tumult and show and share the love of Jesus today,” Stetzer said. “I think the opportunity is great if we will say, ‘Here I am, Lord; send me.’”

Every year, NAMB invites church planting missionaries from around North America to come and be a part of the SBC Annual Meeting. While there, they receive training during events like the Send Network Breakfast, but the main purpose is to help them meet and connect with their Southern Baptist family.

“It’s important for our planters to be with the churches who support them through things like the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® and the Cooperative Program,” said Noah Oldham, a senior director in NAMB’s Send Network. “NAMB set up a virtual prayer experience for Southern Baptists where they were able to do a virtual prayer walk through planters’ neighborhoods, and some of those planters were there in person to meet their SBC family face-to-face.”

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the International Mission Board set up a virtual prayer experience for Southern Baptists at the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting in Nashville. Attendees were able to do a virtual prayer walk through church planters’ neighborhoods, and some of those planters were there in person to meet their SBC family face-to-face. NAMB photo

NAMB especially seeks to invite those who have never been a part of an SBC Annual Meeting so that they can see the overall value of belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention. NAMB provides some financial assistance so that it’s not too much of a burden, but those who decide to come must cover the cost of travel.

Church planting missionary Michael Byrd planted Faith Community Bible Church in St. Louis and attended this year’s annual meeting. Byrd spoke about the joy of being in the room rather than trying to follow along with highlights posted to social media.

“There’s a joy being in the room, even the organization and the structure and polity of our churches, where we can still disagree and resolve to work together and go back to our churches to pursue Jesus and rally our people to pursue Jesus,” Byrd said.

Michael Byrd (left) planted Faith Community Bible Church in St. Louis and attended the Send Conference and Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Nashville to connect with his Southern Baptist family. For Lawrence Baker (right), pastor at FCBC, this was his first time attending the SBC. Photo submitted by Michael Byrd.

Just before the Annual Meeting, a Washington Post article incorrectly framed the attendance of church planters to the 2021 Annual Meeting as centering on SBC politics.

“Times like these Annual Meetings are very important for new church planters to see the overall value and importance of participating in SBC life and to gain a broader view of what our Southern Baptist family is all about,” NAMB president Kevin Ezell said. “We don’t tell anyone how to vote.”

Helping North American missionaries feel a part of the Southern Baptist family is important to their sense of connection to the SBC and for the SBC to feel a sense of connection to their missionaries.

“They live on the mission field every day, and we wanted them to be around their family for a couple days—the family who sends them, who prays for them,” Oldham said “And we wanted those missionaries to have the sense when they went home that they were being sent out by their SBC family.”

During the Send Network Breakfast, Heiden Ratner, NAMB’s Send City Missionary in Las Vegas, expressed his excitement that next year’s annual meeting would be in the West.

“There hasn’t been a ton of sustaining revival-type movements in the West,” said Ratner. “I really believe it’s coming, by faith, that there’s stuff that’s about to happen in church planting on the West Coast. I think those days are ahead of us. We have faith for that.”

New SBC president Ed Litton calls for ‘humility,’ ‘honest discussions’

NASHVILLE  In a close election that illustrated some of the divisions within the Southern Baptist Convention, messengers to the annual meeting elected Ed Litton, pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, Alabama, as the convention’s next president. This year’s convention saw the highest recorded number of messengers – 15,726 – in a quarter century.

The June 15 vote began as a four-man contest that came down to a run-off election between Litton and Mike Stone, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Blackshear, Georgia. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary and Randy Adams, executive director of the Northwest Baptist Convention, earned 26.3 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively, of the 14,300 votes cast in the first balloting.

Before announcing the runoff results, registration secretary Don Currence reported there were 15,691 messengers, with 13,131 casting ballots. Litton received 6,834 votes to Stone’s 6,278, winning the runoff by a margin of 52 to 48 percent.

During a press conference shortly after his election Litton addressed discord within the SBC, including calls for an investigation of the Executive Committee, unresolved sex abuse allegations, concerns over perceived influence of secular ideology within convention and how that impacts race relations.

“The greatest need is humility – to humble ourselves, to listen and to ask God for grace to hear what people are actually saying. And even if we disagree, we come back to the foundational principle of Scripture that we are to love each other even if we don’t see eye-to-eye,” he told reporters from secular and religious news outlets.

The greatest need is humility -- to humble ourselves, to listen and to ask God for grace to hear what people are actually saying.

He said, “Part of what I feel like God has called me to do in this run for this office is to help us remember again why we’re a family and what the focus and objective of our family is which is to get the good news of the gospel of Jesus. This is a family. Sometimes families argue in ways the neighbors get to see it. And that’s kind of what you’ve been witnessing.”

On the Executive Committee investigation

Litton takes leadership of the convention only days after Ronnie Floyd, president of the SBC Executive Committee, announced that the EC had secured the services of GuidePost Solutions to conduct an independent review of the EC’s alleged mishandling of sexual abuse allegations within SBC churches. Messengers to the 2021 SBC annual meeting approved the appointment by the new SBC president of a task force to oversee this investigation.

Litton agreed the investigation is necessary and urged it be completed “in a timely manner” because “we want to bring all this out and expose it to the light.”

He also urged churches to develop pastoral care for victims and incorporate security protocols that protect their members from victimization.

On race

Messengers tried several times – unsuccessfully – to pass motions or resolutions directly refuting Critical Race Theory as incompatible with Scripture and the Baptist Faith and Message. They did pass a resolution called “On the Sufficiency of Scripture for Race and Racial Reconciliation.”

Did that quell the debate?

“That’s a prediction I can’t make,” Litton said. “I would hope that we would understand that CRT is a reality in our culture and I think people are afraid. I don’t think they need to be afraid within the Southern Baptist Convention. It is not taught. It is not believed among our seminaries, our professors. No one is endorsing it. What we’re saying is it’s a reality in our culture. We need to understand that.”

He posited whether CRT could be used as a tool to the benefit of those “suffering injustice.”

“We have a higher tool and the higher tool is the gospel,” he said. “The gospel is the tool we use to seek justice.”

He called for honest discussions, not allegations, going forward.

Asked how he plans to address concerns among some SBC African American pastors who feel disenfranchised, Litton touted the growing ethnic diversity within the SBC in its churches and leadership, growing at a faster rate than Anglo congregations, which are “in decline.”

“I’m just so grateful for my brothers and sisters in Christ of color. I’m so thankful for them. We have much to learn from them,” he said.

On the ERLC

Litton defended another SBC entity that has come under fire in recent days. The sudden resignation of Russell Moore as president of The Ethics and Religious Commission – and the leaked letters he wrote critical of some Executive Committee members – drew fire from some messengers.

“I would like to remind us that the ERLC is critical to the convention – primarily for religious liberty purposes. I don’t want to see them defunded. I want to see them supported and encouraged.”

Navigating differences over CRT and with the Conservative Baptist Network also presents challenges for Litton and the leadership team he will appoint.

“I need wisdom from the Lord to be able to do that. But I believe we continue on the same course. I believe our unity is, ultimately, the gospel. And if we can’t see eye-to-eye on that then it’s going to be very difficult to find unity.”

But he has seen God do the impossible. As a child he watched his alcoholic father give his life to Christ after the faithful, persistent witness of a Southern Baptist pastor. It wasn’t until later that Litton recognized his dad’s transformation for the miracle that it was.

“It put me in the position of seeing what I now believe is true: There’s nothing God can’t do.”

Juan Sanchez: first Hispanic pastor elected to give 2022 SBC convention sermon

NASHVILLE  Messengers to the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting elected Juan Sanchez, pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin and former Southern Baptists of Texas Convention president, to deliver the convention sermon at next year’s meeting in Anaheim. 

Sanchez will become the first Latino pastor to give the convention sermon, SBC President J.D. Greear announced. 

Sanchez has served as senior pastor of High Pointe since 2005. A graduate of the University of Florida, he holds a Master of Divinity, Master of Theology and Doctor of Philosophy in systematic theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is an assistant professor of Christian theology. Sanchez is also a council member of The Gospel Coalition and co-founder and president of Coalición por el Evangelio.

The sermon has been an important part of SBC annual meetings since the convention’s inception, said Taffey Hall, director of the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives. Searchable transcripts of the bulk of the sermons dating from 1846 have been digitized and are available at

Also from the SBTC at the SBC 2021: Messengers elected a Hispanic first vice president, Ramón Medina, lead pastor of the Spanish ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston.

WRAP-UP: SBC elects Litton, takes control of EC investigation

NASHVILLE (BP) – From the moment the gavel dropped – or actually, with the gavel that dropped – calling them to order, it was clear messengers to the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting June 15-16 in Nashville were ready to make changes and challenge traditions in the name of advancing the Gospel.

SBC President J.D. Greear had previously retired the Broadus Gavel, which was named for slaveowner John Broadus and had been used continuously at annual meetings by SBC presidents since 1872. Instead, he gaveled the convention to order with the Judson Gavel, named after Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson.

Incoming SBC President Ed Litton (left) pauses for selfie with outgoing SBC President J.D. Greear, who had just passed off the gavel to Litton. Photo by Robin Jackson

The convention’s 15,726 messengers – the most since 1995 – seemed to follow Greear’s lead, taking action to protect victims and hold leaders accountable even when it meant overturning the decisions of convention committees – especially the Executive Committee.

Messengers called for creation of a task force, appointed by the new SBC president, to oversee an independent review of the Executive Committee over allegations of mishandling reports of sexual abuse. They overwhelmingly defeated a revision of the SBC Business and Financial Plan proposed by the EC.

Ed Litton, pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, Ala., was elected SBC president in a runoff with a 52 percent majority over Georgia pastor Mike Stone, immediate past chairman of the SBC Executive Committee and a steering council member for the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN), a group alleging leftward drift in the convention. Litton has suggested the CBN is unnecessary because Southern Baptists are unwaveringly conservative.

Albert Mohler (left) and Ed Litton (right) brought a moment of unity when the two publicly affirmed one another during Mohler’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary report. Photos by Abbey Sprinkle and Robin Jackson

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler and Northwest Baptist Convention executive director Randy Adams also were nominated for president but failed to make the two-person runoff.

Southern Baptists “are a family, and at times we may seem dysfunctional,” Litton told reporters after his election. “But we love each other.”

Messengers presented 32 motions from the convention floor, the most since 2010.

While at times tense, the debate was punctuated with moments of unity. A day after the presidential election, Litton took a floor microphone as a messenger to commend Mohler as a “statesman” and “gift of God” to Southern Baptists during Mohler’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary report. Mohler responded by congratulating Litton publicly on his victory.

Committees face resistance

The Executive Committee (an 86-member body charged with acting on the SBC’s behalf between annual meetings) drew opposition at multiple junctures, with messengers claiming the EC had too much authority and needed to be held accountable.

Tennessee pastor Grant Gaines moved that the new SBC president appoint a task force to oversee a previously announced investigation into alleged EC mishandling of sexual abuse claims. Initially, the motion was referred to the EC by the Committee on Order of Business, but messengers overturned the ruling by a two-thirds vote and overwhelmingly adopted the motion Wednesday (June 16).

The EC had voted June 14 not even to consider a similar proposal by one of its own members, Jared Wellman of Texas.

EC President Ronnie Floyd said in a statement following the convention’s action, “Today’s decision, in whose outcome we are confident, will have the ultimate blessing of removing all doubt in the minds of our community of Southern Baptists allowing us to chart a more confident future, together.”

Messengers line up to speak to a motion. Photo by Karen McCutcheon

The EC encountered an overwhelming defeat in a proposed revision to the SBC’s Business and Financial Plan. EC officer Robyn Hari said the proposal sought to strike a balance between accountability and autonomy of the SBC entities. But messenger Vance Pitman of Nevada called the proposal “an unprecedented expansion of the Executive Committee powers.” The recommendation failed on a raised-hand vote.

The convention approved Vision 2025, a five-year plan setting a series of goals for Great Commission advancement. Messengers added to the EC’s five proposed Vision 2025 goals on missions, evangelism and CP giving a sixth stating the convention’s intent to eliminate all incidents of racism and sexual abuse. They also amended a goal placing emphasis on reaching teenagers to those under age 18.

Another EC recommendation rejected by messengers was a proposed revision of Lifeway Christian Resources’ Mission and Ministry Statement. The proposal, initiated at the request of Lifeway trustees, was defeated on a ballot vote after messenger Michael Schultz of Kentucky spoke against its adoption due to a proposed deletion of Lifeway’s responsibility to assist churches with “homeschool ministries.”

The EC also lost an officer when Tom Tucker, a vocational evangelist from South Carolina, was not given a second term by messengers, who voted against an attempt to overturn the Committee on Nominations, which had declined to renominate him. Tucker, a member of the CBN steering council, had been reelected as vice chairman June 14 by the EC, which acted despite the knowledge that while eligible to serve, his term was expiring and he was not among nominees to the EC for the coming year, and that he could only fulfill the post if messengers amended the 2021 Committee on Nominations report to include Tucker among nominees.

Tucker’s term was originally set to expire in 2020, but was extended a year by the cancellation of the 2020 SBC Annual Meeting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tucker was then elected EC vice chairman in June 2020.

Messengers vote by raised ballot during a business session of the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting. Photo by Eric Brown

Messengers accepted EC proposals granting the second of two required approvals to an SBC constitutional amendment listing racism and mishandling sex abuse as grounds for disfellowshipping a church.

The EC was not the only committee to have a recommendation overturned by messengers. The Resolutions Committee declined to bring to the floor a resolution submitted by Oklahoma messenger Bill Ascol that called for abolishing abortion, but messengers voted by a two-thirds majority to consider it. Then they adopted the resolution after a one-word amendment to soften its initial rejection of any “incremental approach to ending abortion.”


The SBC constitutional amendment against racism was among several ways messengers attempted to catalyze ethnic diversity in the convention.

Juan Sanchez, pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, became the first Hispanic elected convention preacher. He will deliver the convention sermon next year in Anaheim, Calif. Messengers also elected a Hispanic first vice president, Ramón Medina, lead pastor of the Spanish ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston. Medina was elected in a runoff over another Hispanic nominated for the post, Georgia pastor Javier Chavez.

Southern Baptists tapped to serve on committees likewise were diverse. A majority (51 percent) of Greear’s presidential appointments to committees were non-Anglo, as were 30 percent of those elected to serve on boards and committees.

In his final presidential address, Greear drew a standing ovation when he addressed racial tension within the SBC and told “people of color”: “We need you.”

Critical race theory (CRT) – the subject of a 2019 SBC resolution that has sparked controversy over the past two years – drew several mentions during the convention, including messenger motions and resolution submissions calling for its denunciation as well as questions to SBC presidents during their reports. Yet no official convention action addressed CRT by name.

Instead, messengers adopted a broad resolution regarding race and racial reconciliation. The resolution repudiated “any theory or worldview that denies that racism, oppression, or discrimination is rooted, ultimately, in anything other than sin.” It also reaffirmed a resolution regarding racial reconciliation on the SBC’s 150th anniversary in 1995 in which messengers apologized to African Americans for “condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism.”

Other resolutions adopted by messengers covered, among other topics, the Equality Act, the Hyde Amendment and permanent disqualification from the pastorate of those who have committed sexual abuse.

In other business:

Messengers elected Lee Brand Jr., a Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary administrator, as first vice president over California pastor Anthony Dockery. Medina was elected second vice president in a runoff over Sanchez. Brand and Sanchez are members of the CBN’s steering council. Missouri Baptist Convention executive director John Yeats was reelected recording secretary for the 24th time over Virginia pastor Adam Blosser.
Don Currence, administrative pastor at First Baptist Church in Ozark, Mo., was reelected registration secretary by acclamation. He was nominated by Kathy Litton, wife of Ed Litton, who was elected registration secretary over Currence in 2019 but stepped down when her husband’s candidacy for SBC president was announced.
Sixty-four new International Mission Board missionaries were appointed June 14 in a Sending Celebration. They will join 3,631 IMB missionaries already on the field around the world. The vast majority of the new missionaries stood behind a screen during the service, as they could not be identified due to security concerns in their locations of service.
The North American Mission Board reported that Southern Baptists have planted more than 8,200 churches in the past decade. They comprise nearly 17 percent of all Southern Baptist churches and represent nearly 19 percent of all baptisms reported in the SBC.
Florida pastor Willy Rice preached the convention sermon, urging Southern Baptists to avoid factions and build their testimony on the Gospel.

Next year’s SBC Annual Meeting is slated for June 14-15, 2022, in Anaheim, Calif.

Explainer: The Supreme Court affirms faith-based foster care and adoption providers

US Supreme Court

In a decisive win for religious freedom, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia that faith-based foster care and adoption providers, such as Catholic Social Services in Philadelphia, can continue serving children and families according to their convictions.

“The government has many God-given duties, but punishing a group for its theology is emphatically not one of them,” said Daniel Patterson, acting president of the ERLC, in response to the Court’s decision this morning. Patterson’s comment continued:

“It’s important to note as well that this decision prohibits no one from serving children — it simply ends state discrimination against religious groups. We must all remember what matters most is caring for children. If the government boxes out religious organizations and prohibits them from providing foster care and adoption services, the net effect is a massive shortage of available homes. Children in need should not be collateral damage in a culture war.”

While there were several concurring opinions, the justices, the Court held unianimously that the “refusal of Philadelphia to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) for the provision of foster care services unless CSS agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents violates the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.”

What is this case about?

In 2018, a reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer informed the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services that two of its private foster care agencies, including CSS, would not work with same-sex couples as foster parents. The city investigated the allegation, which it considered a violation of the City’s anti-discrimination laws. When the agencies confirmed their religious views on marriage as essential for placement—although no same-sex couple had ever attempted to partner with CSS—the department ceased referring foster children to them and demanded they change their religious practices or close down their ministries.

The plaintiffs in this case are Sharonell Fulton and Toni Simms-Busch, foster moms who wanted to continue caring for children in need. Fulton and Simms-Busch filed a lawsuit on behalf of CSS claiming the Philadelphia government had violated their rights under the First Amendment’s Free Exercise, Establishment, and Free Speech Clauses, as well as under Pennsylvania’s Religious Freedom Protection Act. The lawsuit asked the courts for an order requiring the city government to renew their contractual relationship while permitting CSS to maintain their religious convictions. In July 2018, the district court denied the request, and the case was immediately appealed to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. However, the Court ruled against CSS and refused to protect the agency while its litigation proceeded to the U.S. Supreme Court.

On the day of the oral arguments in D.C., Simms-Busch noted her gratitude that the justices “took our arguments seriously and seemed to understand that foster parents like me just want to provide loving homes for children.” Fulton added, “As a single woman of color, I’ve learned a thing or two about discrimination over the years—but I’ve never experienced the vindictive religious discrimination the City’s politicians have expressed toward my faith.” For more of the background on this case, see our explainer.

What is the significance of this case?

Today’s decision in Fulton is a critical win for religious liberty and children in need. People of faith have a right to serve children in need free of discrimination from the state. Now that the Supreme Court has clarified protections under the First Amendment, CSS can continue serving in Philadelphia at a time in which the city has called for more homes due to a foster care crisis.

“Today’s Fulton decision is good news for children and families because we need a foster care system that welcomes all who are qualified to serve all who are in need,” noted Chelsea Patterson Sobolik, policy director for the ERLC, on the importance of the ruling for the child-welfare community.

Sobolik also explained that, “Christians and the institutions formed from our churches are critical to the foundation of foster care in this country. Children are best served when we all work together.” Recent research from Barna revealed that practicing Christians are more than twice as likely to adopt relative to the general population, as highlighted by Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in a fact sheet on faith-based communities involvement in foster care.

There are 423,997 children in the U.S. foster care system, and approximately a fourth of those children are eligible for adoption. The Supreme Court’s ruling today means that more children will find safe, permanent, and loving homes, because CSS will continue to be able to serve those in need.

What did the Court rule?

The Court held that the City of Philadelphia infringed Catholic Social Services’ free exercise rights by refusing to renew its contract with CSS on the basis of the City’s agency contract and citywide Fair Practices Ordinance. These ordinances were in conflict with CSS’s core beliefs related to marriage and sexuality, and Philadelphia provided no religious exemption for CSS or groups like CSS.

This ruling was based on several arguments. First, the Court held that the City’s policies and ordinance were not “generally applicable,” and therefore were subject to a greater degree of scrutiny by the courts. The Court further argued, “Government fails to act neutrally when it proceeds in a manner intolerant of religious beliefs or restricts practices because of their religious nature.” Second, the Court held that CSS was not a “public accommodation” under the City’s ordinance. And third, the Court held that the City’s government interest in expanding LGBT rights was not sufficiently compelling to override CSS’s religious freedom rights.

On this last point, it is worth quoting this key section of the Court’s reasoning:

The question, then, is not whether the City has a compelling interest in enforcing its non-discrimination policies generally, but whether it has such an interest in denying an exception to CSS. Once properly narrowed, the City’s asserted interests are insufficient. Maximizing the number of foster families and minimizing liability are important goals, but the City fails to show that granting CSS an exception will put those goals at risk. If anything, including CSS in the program seems likely to increase, not reduce, the number of available foster parents.

How did the ERLC engage in this case? 

The ERLC has been involved in this case specifically, and these issues more broadly, for years. For Fulton, submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court alongside a diverse coalition of churches and religious institutions.

The brief argued that Employment Division v. Smith should be overruled because it’s “unworkable standard” has been a “disaster for religious freedom.” This matters for Fulton because “Philadelphia violated the Free Exercise Clause when it excluded Catholic Social Services as a foster care provider.” The Employment Division v. Smith case ruled that burdens resulting from neutral and generally applicable laws that target specific religious practices are not subject to strict scrutiny under the Free Exercise Clause. The ERLC also filed an amicus brief at the Third Circuit before the case reached the Supreme Court.

What about Justice Alito’s Concurrence? 

Some advocates note that Justice Alito was concerned about the durability of this ruling. In his concurring opinion, Justice Alito wrote, “this decision might as well be written on the dissolving paper sold in magic shops” because “if the City wants to get around today’s decision, it can simply eliminate the never-used exemption power.” Justice Alito  goes on to predict that “the City will claim that it is protected by Smith; CSS will argue that Smith should be overruled; the lower courts, bound by Smith, will reject that argument; and CSS will file a new petition in this Court challenging Smith.” Justice Alito goes on to critique Smith by stating that “we should reconsider Smith without further delay. The correct interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause is a question of great importance, and Smith’s interpretation is hard to defend.”

Justice Alito may be right that the Court will soon need to squarely decide whether Employment Division v. Smith is good law, and indeed, there are several cases on their way to the High Court that invite the Court to answer that question. In the meantime, this unanimous decision by the Court affirming the religious freedom rights of child welfare providers provides welcome answer to a question dividing courts today.

What does today’s ruling mean moving forward?

The Court’s decision strengthened and clarified the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. This case provides reassurance for religious institutions at a time when the meaning and scope of civil rights laws are in flux. This will benefit religious institutions across that country that seek to serve children in need without violating their sincerely held beliefs.

The child welfare system needs as many agencies seeking to care for vulnerable children as possible, and the Fulton decision simply means that the state should not punish providers and families for their faith. Children are best served when we all work together.

The ERLC will continue to engage our culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ in the public square to protect religious liberty and promote human flourishing. We will continue to work to ensure that vulnerable children in our nation can find safe, permanent, and loving homes.

For Further Reading:

Explainer: What you need to know about Fulton v. Philadelphia by ERLC StaffExplainer: Supreme Court to hear case about faith-based foster care by ERLC StaffWhat happened at the SCOTUS case on foster care and religious liberty? by Policy StaffLori Windham on Fulton v. Philadelphia, the Supreme Court foster-care case

Send Relief reports help and hope amid pandemic

NASHVILLE (BP) – In an introductory video that played before Send Relief President Bryant Wright’s report, he said: “Together, we can meet needs and change lives for people on the other side of the world and right down the street. Together, as Southern Baptists, we can be an unstoppable force of hope,” as clips of compassion projects rolled.

With a staff composed of personnel from both the International Mission Board (IMB) and the North American Mission Board (NAMB), Send Relief is an operative model of Southern Baptist cooperation.

Send Relief became a partner ministry of the International Mission Board (IMB) and North American Mission Board (NAMB) mere weeks before COVID-19 became a global crisis touching every country around the world. And in the middle of these extraordinary circumstances, 2.8 million people served through missionaries and local believers in the first year of partnership.

Nearly 1,000 U.S. churches and hundreds of international missionaries participated to distribute help and hope. And most important, they recorded more than 23,000 new professions of faith.

Wright shared these statistics at the first ever Send Relief Report to SBC messengers at the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting in Nashville.

International operations are led by seasoned missionary Jason Cox, while the North American ministry efforts are managed by former student minister and public servant Josh Benton. The two division leaders have focused the past year’s efforts on equipping local churches through trainings at one of Send Relief’s 17 national ministry centers and through supporting international ministry projects and partners.

Wright shared the sobering details of one of these international projects in his report.

“In South Asia, a family was dying of starvation. The mother and father made the heartbreaking decision to poison themselves and their children, so they wouldn’t have to endure a lingering death,” Wright told the audience. “In the final excruciating hours before executing their plan, a Send Relief partner arrived on their doorstep with emergency food rations, saving all of their lives. As a result, both the parents came to know Christ.”

Wright ended the presentation with a call back to the Great Commission and a reaffirmation of Send Relief’s goal to be more than just another humanitarian aid organization, but rather a compassion ministry with Christ at the center.

Outgoing SBC president J.D. Greear followed the report by leading the room of thousands to pray for Wright and Send Relief out loud, so Wright could “hear Southern Baptists calling out to God on his behalf.”

In comments to Baptist Press following his formal presentation to messengers, Wright clarified that Send Relief plays a support role to their primary disaster response partner, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR).

“Our role is to provide SBDR with supplies, materials and equipment,” he said. “The best way Southern Baptists can support their state’s disaster relief efforts is to give and volunteer through their state conventions.”

Natalie Sarrett writes for Send Relief, and K. Faith Morgan Wroten writes for the North American Mission Board.

Rice urges Southern Baptists to build on what lasts

NASHVILLE (BP) – Florida pastor Willy Rice gave Southern Baptists somewhat of an investment pitch Wednesday (June 16). Go for gold, silver and precious jewels, he said, not the wood, hay and straw that has its short-term advantages but little benefit in terms of longevity.

Rice, senior pastor of Calvary Church in Clearwater, Fla., delivered the convention sermon for the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting based on 1 Corinthians 3:3-17. The passage, he explained, gives a clear picture of division in the early church that grew out of competing allegiances to leadership. Such misplaced devotion, he pointed out, can be observed today.

While the Corinthian church also dealt with challenges over doctrinal confusion and moral compromise, Rice noted there was a greater internal threat. Four factions had emerged of those declaring their devotion to Paul, Apollos, Peter and the Lord Himself. Rice added that Southern Baptists could take note of those divisions in order to heal the current rift in the Convention.

One of those is being sure of your leader’s allegiance.

“There is no evidence of the individuals [in this passage] sowing division,” said Rice. “But clearly, there were those in the Corinthian fellowship using unhelpful labels and promoting division.”

In short, Rice explained, a kind of early church “celebrity culture” had appeared. In the letter to the Corinthian church, Paul was moving quickly to condemn it.

“We have seen the product of a celebrity culture, where pastors and leaders become the star of the show, photobombing Jesus at every turn,” Rice preached. “What does it say about us when we have more green rooms than prayer rooms?”

While attending the annual meeting is good in its own right, Rice encouraged messengers in remembering the real point of their ministry.

“Hell does not quake when the SBC passes a resolution and Heaven does not rejoice when we raise our ballots in the air,” he said. “… The real work of Southern Baptists is out there, not in here.”

That “real work,” he said, shows itself in the student pastor setting out chairs for a Bible study. It appears in volunteers blowing up balloons for Vacation Bible School. It manifests in a couple arriving in a faraway land, ready to present the Gospel to an unreached people group.

“What happens in here (the annual meeting) only matters to the extent that it sustains and provides for what happens out there,” Rice said.

The Gospel – pure and unadulterated – is the gold, silver and precious stones upon which Christians are to build their testimony, Rice maintained. The eventual fire of judgement reveals our witness and ministry for what it really is.

“Whenever we substitute the message of truth for worldly ideologies or flawed philosophies, we trade precious gold and precious jewels for wood, hay and straw,” he said.

Rice pointed to the discussion over critical race theory, which he said “offers a flawed diagnosis, hopeless prognosis and writes a powerless prescription rooted in materialistic humanism and political power. … It cannot cure the deepest ills in the human heart.

“Every idea,” he continued, “every teaching must be tested against the message of Scripture, and we must always anchor ourselves to those truths or we will drift where we do not want to go. ”

While Rice said topics like CRT and Marxism are real subjects that cannot be overlooked, he said neither can the fact that a lot of Christians on social media just act like jerks.

“If you seek to contend for the truth but don’t do so in the fullness the Holy Spirit, has it occurred to you that you’re doing more damage to the truth than your most virulent adversary?” he asked, adding that the fruit of the spirit needs to be modeled not only for unbelievers, but for brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we simply hold a disagreement.

At the end of the day, he said, a Gospel witness is tarnished.

“I do not want to compromise the truth, but neither do I want to be known as the church of angry old men with rocks in their hands,” Rice said.

Regarding the subject of justice, he continued on where the topic has its roots.

“Justice is not an idea born in the halls of Ivy League schools or the hearts of atheistic philosophers,” Rice preached. “It’s born in the heart of God, who is just. We wouldn’t even know what justice is if it weren’t from God. It comes from God and His word and Jesus told us to pursue it.”

He then pointed to Southern Baptists’ ongoing process of addressing racial reconciliation.

“We must be for biblical justice. … We should value the voices of those who have suffered injustice, including many of our Black brothers and sisters,” Rice said. “It is beyond the pale of comprehension that a Christian body against an all-too-familiar backdrop of a not-too-distant history would engage in sideshow debates that shut down, shut out and shut up our own brothers and sisters in the faith.”

That principle also applies to valuing women in ministry.

“We did not build one of the largest missionary forces in the history of Christendom by telling Lottie Moon to go home,” Rice said. “Most of our daughters, sisters and mothers only desire to obey the demand of the risen Christ and submit to every word of His authority. Yet, some grow disheartened when shepherds in the church become more agitated over peripheral debates than they are over leaders who have betrayed their sacred duty to care for the flock.”

In closing, Rice encouraged Southern Baptists to dwell on what’s at stake in their interactions and witness, saying, “Only an eternal perspective grants us both wisdom and courage to face the challenges of this present moment.

“We know eternity is coming, and with it both a day of reward and ruin. When the fire comes, we’ll see the gold, silver and precious stones for what they are.”

Rice further cautioned others against “tak[ing] a careless sledgehammer to the house of God just to make a name for yourself. Eternity is coming, and God is watching.”

Over recent days, he admitted, his heart had been broken for how many had compromised their witness.

“I thought, ‘We’re better than this.’ But then again, maybe we’re not,” Rice said. “We may not be better than this, but Jesus is.”

It comes back to the basics of our testimony and faith, he added.

“The foundation Jesus sets will endure,” Rice testified. “And because that foundation endures, so will we. Because it will continue to hold, we will continue to work.”

A full day of workshops equip and encourage Hispanics

NASHVILLE (BP) – The Send Conference en Español training sessions Monday morning (June 14) at the Music City Center preceding the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting attracted dozens of Hispanics to each of the workshops designed to equip, enrich and encourage them in missions.

Each of the workshops was specifically designed in Spanish to equip each member of the family to take the Gospel to their city, community and nation while developing disciples that would do the same.

Oscar Tortolero, Hispanic mobilizer for the International Mission Board (IMB), led a workshop for pastors, wives and lay leaders on mobilizing the church for international missions. South Asia missionary Maria* told pastors that more Hispanics are needed in the field and are essential to mission work.

She explained that Hispanics’ ability to blend into the local community because of how they look is incredibly useful to take the Gospel further, even in places where evangelizing can result in jail time.

At the workshop “¿Que Significa Vivir Enviada?” led by Hispanic Council member and author Clara Molina, women learned what a woman on mission looks like and the values she embodies.

“You have to recognize that God is the one who sends you, God decides where you’re going, how long you’re going for and when you’re coming back and you rejoice in the results of the work He does through you,” Molina said.

Ramon Osorio, the North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) director of ethnic church planting, laid out all the discipleship resources available for ministering effectively to immigrants.

During the 45-minute workshop, at which chairs were quickly scarce, Osorio went over the process of gathering demographic information on immigrant populations, determining the spiritual health of a community and the predominant psychographics affecting immigrants in America.

“Understanding these factors is essential to properly engaging and ministering to immigrants in your area,” he said. Some of the most important psychographics influencing immigrant behavior in the United States includes a sense of insecurity and a lack of empowerment in all areas of life.

The new social media platform Equipa by Lifeway was introduced to a group of more than a dozen Hispanic pastors during one of two Lifeway workshops. Ariel Irizarry, leader and developer of Lifeway’s Equipa, helped attendants sign up for the platform and gave them a tour of its discipleship capabilities.

“Equipa is designed for all tech levels, all Spanish language variations and different spiritual maturity levels,” said Irizarry.

Other workshop sessions zeroed in on ministry to fathers, leaders developing other leaders, improving Sunday worship service, church planting and Christ-centered discipleship.

Those who attended the workshop sessions commented afterwards the sessions were useful, and they soon hoped to implement their new knowledge in their local contexts.

GALLERY: Secure system for messenger ballots

NASHVILLE (BP) — What happens to a messenger’s ballot after it’s placed in an usher’s bucket? Photographer Eric Brown — with approval from SBC Registration Secretary Don Currence — captured moments along the journey of the ballots from the first round of the June 15 SBC presidential election as they made their way from the floor to the SBC Tellers’ counting room.