Light forces darkness out

My family visited the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico when I was a kid.  We were in a group of about 25 and were being led by a competent guide through the cave.  At a seating area we stopped as the guide shared information about formations, bats and other stuff.  He explained that they were about to turn off the lights and the darkness would be so thick we would be able to feel it. The lights went off and the darkness was indeed astounding, deep and almost scary. Then an amazing thing happened. The guide lit a single match, and the deep darkness retreated as the face and form of the guide became clear as well as the faces of all 25 in the group. This kid learned an incredible spiritual lesson. The deeper the darkness, the greater the impact even a small light can make.

In many ways we live in a day of great opportunity for sharing the name and love of Jesus Christ. In many other ways we live in a day of deepening darkness. In both circumstances, it is time for us to let our light shine. One true light can force the darkness back. A multitude of small lights joined together can force a complete retreat of the darkness. I believe in my heart of hearts that Southern Baptists, Southern Baptists of Texas in particular, comprise a significant partnership of those called to be light bearers in this culture. It seems that many have their lights hidden under a bushel. It is time to get out from under the cover and hold our light high. If this is not the time to do it, then when will that time come? If we are not the ones to do it, then who is? 

The light of the world is Jesus. Let’s let our light shine.

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