Book: Understanding biblical hope essential to surviving


With the certainty of life’s storms, the question becomes not if they will hit but how will one survive when they do? The storms of life referred to by June Hunt in her book “Hope for Your Heart: Finding Strength in Life’s Storms” are not the natural disaster kind, but rather the trouble, hurt, loss, brokenness and devastation that life can bring resulting in feelings of hopelessness and despair.  

For many, hope is simply wishful thinking and optimism but God’s Word presents a much different understanding of hope. For those experiencing feelings of hopelessness, understanding biblical hope is essential to surviving the difficulties life brings.  

As founder of Hope for the Heart, a worldwide biblical counseling ministry, and radio program host, June Hunt shares her passion for communicating the value of biblical hope experienced in the life of an individual. 

In her search to better understand hope from a biblical perspective Hunt discovered this Scripture in Hebrews 6:19: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Based on the promises of God, Hunt states, “authentic biblical hope is a powerful, undergirding force—an anchor able to sustain us through the fiercest storms.”  

“Hope for Your Heart: Finding Strength in Life’s Storms” shares stories of countless individuals who even in the most desperate situations have experienced the sustaining power of hope. For those experiencing devastation and heartache these stories provide a needed reminder that others have faced similar hardships and have found hope and healing.  

In each and every story two key components were necessary for the individual to experience the hope God offers. First, one must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Hunt states, “Christ is the power source for change.” Only through the work of Christ in the life of an individual is God’s power available and true life transformation possible. Second, biblical truth is required for an individual to experience biblical hope in their life. Even more than knowing and claiming God’s promises, one must realize those promises are for them.

Hunt’s book is organized in three sections addressing the reasons for hope, sources of hope and benefits of hope.  

Topics such as security, trust and forgiveness are addressed. As a counseling resource, Hunt’s extensive experience in ministering to hurting individuals is evidenced in the stories. One can benefit from the examples of her approach as she demonstrates the pattern of directing individuals to the promises found in God’s Word. An accurate understanding of biblical hope can produce peace and security in the midst of life’s storms.  

Hunt’s thorough approach in providing a biblical teaching on hope makes available to readers such an understanding of an often elusive Scriptural truth.

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