Mishkan journal features scholarly papers on gospel outreach to Jews

DALLAS?”In light of the tragic history of the Jewish-Christian relationship in Europe, many Christians have eschewed any evangelistic engagement with the Jewish people.”

That’s was the assessment of Jim Sibley, director of the Pasche Institute for Jewish Studies at Criswell College while awaiting publication of several papers presented at a recent meeting of scholars who argue in favor of taking the gospel to Jewish people.

The Pasche Institute operates as a ministry of the college, publishing the international journal Mishkan, which deals with issues related to the gospel and the Jewish people. In the October 2008 issue, abbreviated versions of some of the papers presented at the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission in August are offered, while calling attention to the historic “Berlin Declaration” that describes how the Christian community might express genuine love for the Jewish people, especially in Europe.

The need for repentance, the problem of sin, the solution to sin and the call for action are the four points emphasized in the 1,200-word document produced by scholars and representative of ministries that engage the Jewish community.

While respecting the views of others with sensitivity and humility, Sibley said the WEA group challenged Christians to share the gospel message of the Messiah.-

“It should not be done apologetically or half-heartedly,” he reminded.

The task force that drafted the document called for:
?respect for religious conviction and liberty that allows frank discussion of religious claims,
?repentance from all expressions of anti-Semitism and all other forms of genocide, prejudice and discrimination,
?recognition of the uniqueness of Christ as the crucified, resurrected and divine Messiah who alone can save from death and bring eternal life,
?reconciliation and unity among believers in Jesus, and
?renewed commitment to Jewish evangelism.

With upwards of 70,000 Jewish people living in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and 45,000 in the Houston area, as well as other cities in Texas, the Pasche Institute provides students with an opportunity to gain practical experience locally while enrolled at Criswell College as well as mission trips to New York City and Israel.

The recent addition of a Jewish studies minor as part of the B.A. in biblical studies has attracted more students to the curriculum designed to multiply and strengthen leaders for ministry to the Jewish people.

Visit pascheinstitute.org for more information on course offerings and a link to the Mishkan journal.

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