Mobilized for Missions

The SENT Regional Conferences were well received last year, so we have scheduled four conferences for this year in Arlington, McAllen, Tyler and Abilene. Teaching your church to live SENT is at the heart of God and resonates with pastors. This year workshops will include reaching the changing cultures in your community, how to plan a missions trip, how to lead teams, the importance of travel/safety training, having a mobilization contingency plan, and more.

Registration is open for all four conferences (April 16 & 23 and July 16 & 23). For more information or to register go to: or

Our partnerships in Ecuador and Seattle are exciting, and churches are mobilizing for vision tours. Additionally, plans are underway and churches are responding to the Reach Houston Initiative as the SBTC’s first “Reach City.” If you want to reach the nations, you need only to look at Houston.  I ask that you join us in prayer about these training opportunities and partnerships. Consider sending your members for training and also calendar a mission trip to Texas, Seattle or Ecuador. For dates of the current scheduled vision tours or missions opportunities, go to  

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Study: Protestant pastors bring attention to global Christian persecution

BRENTWOOD, Tenn.— As pastors speak and pray with their congregations, they say they’re also keeping persecuted Christians around the world in mind. More than nine in 10 U.S. Protestant pastors (93%) say their church has engaged ...

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