SBTC Evangelism Conference now called

Q. What is the emPOWER conference and what is its purpose?

A. The name, “emPOWER Conference” is the new name that we have given to the old name, “Evangelism Conference.” It is an expression of Acts 1:8 and Luke 24:49 where Jesus instructed his followers to be empowered by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of evangelizing the nations. So, the emphasis of the emPOWER conference is the same as it has been; it is to provide inspiration, motivation and encouragement to God’s people all of whom have the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Q. Since the name does not include the word “t1:PersonName>evangelism” does it not create some misunderstanding as to the purpose of the conference?

A. The focus and heartbeat of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention is “Evangelism” and “Missions” as is conveyed by the annual budget of the convention. Therefore, the emphasis of the emPOWER conference is evangelism, and more. It will accentuate personal evangelism and missions born out of victoriously empowered churches and Christian living.

Q. There seems to be the conception that the conference is intended just for pastors and evangelists. Is this true?

A. By no means is this true. The fact is that it is designed with laymen and women in mind. After all, evangelism is the responsibility of the entire church membership. Every person who is a believer in Jesus Christ will benefit greatly by attending the conference. It is for the pastor, the staff, and the entire congregation. Every person will benefit enormously from hearing those who are on the program.

Q. When and where will the emPOWER conference to be held?

A. It is to be on February 9 & 10 at the Arlington convention center located at 1200 Ballpark Way in Arlington. The first session will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 9UP>th with SBTC Executive Director Jim Richards presiding.

Q What would you like to say in closing?

A. I want to personally invite every pastor, staff member, and every church member of every church in the state of Texas to attend the conference and take advantage of the opportunity that God is providing by means of the conference. I will look forward to seeing them there.

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