SBTC youth associate moves to Pflugerville

Tom Cottar, youth evangelism associate with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention since 2000, has left the convention staff to become the student pastor at First Baptist Church of Pflugerville in north Austin.

Cottar came to the SBTC staff from First Baptist Church in Groesbeck. At the SBTC, he coordinated the annual Youth Evangelism Conference and various other student events, including “Outbreak,” the student leadership camp.

Cottar said he is eager to continuing the student work in the Austin area, adding that the “pace of student life is always in fast forward.”

“But it’s good. One of the things I’m looking forward to is building the relationships with the students?being on the level to witness firsthand the way God moves among them, to be involved with that.”

Cottar said Austin’s reputation as an alternative lifestyle haven makes for creative ministry opportunities.

“This is a very eclectic area. Any type of nationality or profession?any kind of person you have ever known?they live right here (in Austin).”

Cottar and his wife, Heather, have two boys, Darien, 4, and Dylan, 1.

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