Terminology aside, the wise win souls

The pastor who baptized me also taught me how to present Jesus to those who need Him. Back in the day, we called it soul-winning, evangelism or witnessing. Such terms have fallen on hard times recently. People were lost. We said they needed to be saved. They were not just merely un-churched or unreached. I’m not just another cranky old guy who wants things like they used to be. I am open to the almost limitless methods to reach people with the gospel.

There are mass meetings like Team Impact presentations. Prior to the last two SBTC annual meetings, combined attendance for Team Impact, a group of power-lifters, has been over 8,000 with over 1,000 professions of faith. Local churches have benefited from the opportunity to disciple these new believers.

Service ministries like SBTC Disaster Relief have touched lives with the gospel from the Rio Grande Valley to the piney woods by assisting in clean up after hurricanes, flooding, tornados and fires. SBTC Disaster Relief is focused on helping people with their physical needs but also sharing the gospel with them. Unlike some DR programs, SBTC promotes local churches in the stricken area when available. The people being helped will remember the local church as much as the yellow shirts.

Youth camps, student and collegiate conferences are events where young people hear the Good News. Over the past couple of years there have been over 300 saved at such SBTC events. These young people go back to their local churches, immediately infusing new life into the fellowship.

Outdoor Sports Expos have become a successful venue to reach men in particular. SBTC staff members provide direction in local churches where there have been hundreds pray to receive Christ. Most of these men would have never entered a church worship center; now they have entered the kingdom of God.

While it is a thrill for the SBTC staff to experience hands-on ministry, we exist to help the local church. The real service we provide is being able to assist the local church in carrying out the Great Commission. There are over 100 areas where the SBTC seeks to provide a resource to the local church. Healthy churches obeying the command of the Lord Jesus will produce fruit to the glory of God.

One of the most exciting ministries of the SBTC to the local church is the Empower Evangelism Conference. This year the conference will be held at the Frisco Convention Center and Dr. Pepper Arena, Feb. 28 through March 2. This event is an opportunity to minister to pastors, staff and laypersons. The worship atmosphere is inspiring. The insight to Scripture is edifying. The challenge to obey is convicting. We will leave desiring to do more for our Lord.

Whatever we call it?soul-winning, evangelism, witnessing or sharing?it really doesn’t matter. What is important is that we do it. Many people are better soul-winners than I. I could do more and hopefully I will. By God’s grace I will present the gospel to at least one person every week in 2011. Will you join me? If every reader of the TEXAN would share the Lord Jesus with one lost person each week, we could see a spiritual awakening in Texas and beyond.

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