CARBON?Central Texas Family Day, a free outreach and missions event co-sponsored by the SBTC, Week Extreme Youth Camps and Carbon Christian Encampment, will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 8 at Carbon Christian Encampment, 90 miles west of Fort Worth in the town of Carbon.
The Saturday event is family oriented with gospel music, a free barbecue meal, contests, games and inflatable rides for kids, and much more. Promoted through churches to their communities, the event will give central Texas SBTC churches and ministries an opportunity to introduce themselves to unchurched neighbors.
Contests planned for the event include a cordwood-cutting contest with chainsaws, a pie eating contest, a baked goods contest, and a cow-milking contest?on a milking stimulator. Gift certificates and other donated items will be awarded to contest winners.
Event coordinator John Barnes said, “We are planning and expecting 500 or more, and everything is free to celebrate and share Jesus.” The barbecue meal of brisket, chicken and sides, plus hamburgers and hot dogs for children, will be prepared for around 500 people. Tickets for the meal will be distributed in advance, free of charge, so that a head count can be obtained. Drinks, popcorn and other “fair” foods will be available free of charge throughout the day.
Musicians and speakers for the event include the Shiloh Quartet, Wes James, the Without a Doubt youth praise band, various creative ministries from Texas colleges, and evangelist Bill Britt. Britt, based in Mansfield, is founder of Compel Outreach International.
Carbon Christian Encampment, formerly the historic Carbon Schoolhouse and grounds, is a three-year-old camp facility used mainly by the Cross Timbers Baptist Association. For several years the camp has accommodated area children’s, preteen, and youth camps. Carbon is on State Highway 6, about 10 miles south of Interstate 20 between Granbury and Abilene.
For more information on Central Texas Family Day, contact SBTC Missions Services Associate Gibbie McMillan at 972-953-0878 or John Barnes at 972-396-1807.