Criswell College seeks matches for $600k gift

DALLAS?Criswell College stands to gain $1.2 million if individual donors match a pledge of $600,000 from two donors who made the offer through the W.A. Criswell Foundation.

“Independence for Criswell College actually means a new dependence on God,” stated President Jerry Johnson. “The needs are great,” he said, referring to continued efforts to build “the best faculty possible to prepare a choice group of students to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.”

Johnson is pushing for the entire amount to be raised by Feb. 15, in order to give attention to urgent needs that include scholarships, new faculty positions in New Testament and theology and church history, technology upgrades, and facility repairs.

Begun in 1970 through a vision of founder W.A. Criswell, the college earned recognition from evangelist Billy Graham for its commitment to teaching the Bible as the infallible and inerrant Word of God. “Evangelism and world mission endeavors are paramount in importance. Preachers are trained in the best tradition of the great theologians and evangelists of the Christian faith,” he said.

“Whatever we can do, whether through prayers or through gifts or material resources, we ought to support this venture of faith in the heart of our nation,” Graham urged.

“The famous evangelist is right?Criswell College is the place to give,” Johnson added. “All of us are committed to train Christian leaders as never before with renewed emphasis on evangelism, expository preaching, and the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.”

He asked alumni and friends of the school to pray about giving and “send your gift with enthusiasm, knowing it will be immediately doubled by the matching funds, and then multiplied by our Lord in eternity.”

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