Exhibit requirements set for 2010 SBTC Annual Meeting

Approved exhibitors at the SBTC Annual Meeting include

(subject to available space) SBTC ministries, SBC agencies, SBTC

ministry relationships (under the oversight of the Facilitating

Ministries Committee of the Executive Board), Baptist associational

ministries, and any host church. All other entities desiring booth

space must submit their request in writing to Joe Davis

at the SBTC, prior to June 1, 2010.

Entities or individuals may share exhibit space with approved

exhibitors only with the approval of the Committee on Order

of Business. For profit entities that have no formal relationship

with the SBTC shall not be granted exhibit space.

All exhibit material must be in agreement with the SBTC Constitution and

Bylaws, which includes the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

Fund raising or sales that do not conflict with SBTC

priorities will be allowed in the exhibit area.

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