Forney pastor Jimmy Pritchard elected SBTC president

Messengers also tap pastors from Gainesville, Round Rock for posts

Messengers of the 2013 annual meeting of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention unanimously elected Jimmy Pritchard as convention president on Tuesday (Oct. 29).

Pritchard, who serves as pastor of First Baptist Church of Forney, was nominated by Byron McWilliams of First Baptist Church of Odessa. McWilliams pointed to Pritchard’s service in local churches, involvement in denominational work and leadership qualities as the reason he believed Pritchard a good choice for the office of president. 

Under Pritchard’s leadership, FBC Forney has given more than $6.1 million to missions, gained more than 4,100 new members, baptized more than 2,100 and seen 38 of its congregation surrender to the ministry.

McWilliams cited Pritchard’s service on the board of trustees for Criswell College as well  as the board of trustees of the International Mission Board as further evidence of his heart to serve and share the gospel.

Overall, McWilliams said Pritchard’s leadership prowess will enable him to guide the convention well.

Messengers also elected James Egan, pastor of First Baptist Church of Gainesville, as vice president and elected Dante Wright, pastor of Sweet Home Baptist Church in Round Rock, as recording secretary.

David Wilson, pastor of Southcrest Baptist Church in Lubbock, nominated Egan, telling messengers of Egan’s seminary education, service on convention committees and adjunct professorship and teaching both in the United States and abroad. Wilson said he highly recommended Egan for the office, calling him a “tried and true Southern Baptist.”

Steve Washburn, pastor of First Baptist Church of Pflugerville, nominated Wright and spoke of the 10-year football coaching career the pastor had before he received his call to ministry from the Lord. 

“After 10 years of very successful coaching, God’s call to the ministry on his life became more powerful than his love of sports,” Washburn said.

Washburn said that church where Wright became pastor grew from 25 to 800 people in less than one year. He said when Wright arrived at Sweet Home, the church had 16 members. Today it has 1,800.

Both men ran unopposed and were elected by a unanimous vote.


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