God’s Plan for the Home

The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention stands firmly on the conviction that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. The SBTC is a confessional fellowship based on agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message Statement (2000). Article 17 clearly stakes out our position on Religious Liberty. Article 18 puts forth our convictions about the family. In response to the subpoenas issued to the pastors in Houston relative to their rights as American citizens and Biblical Christians I am providing a sermon I have preached on the home. My sermon from Ephesians 5:22-6:4 addresses the basics of human sexuality and biblical marriage. Please consider what the Bible says about this important issue.

GOD’S PLAN FOR THE HOME (Ephesians 5:22-6:4)

First-century Ephesus was a difficult place to have a godly home. Temple Diana, an ancient wonder of the world was there. The economy was no longer based on goods & services but on tourist worshippers who came there to indulge in sensual practices. Merchants relied on the base desires of people enamored with self-gratification. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

The Apostle Paul wrote Holy Spirit-inspired eternal truth. He taught the Ephesian Christians God’s design for the home. Other than your personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, there is nothing more important than your relationship with your family. You can have a godly home. Are you willing to follow His plan?

God’s plan for the home is for …

MEN TO BE MEN (5:23, 25-33a)

Regardless of public opinion, the biblical model of marriage is one man and one woman. Sadly a person is considered homophobic by saying God’s plan is for men to marry women and women to marry men. Beyond the basics of gender assignment, men have two responsibilities in the home.

1.  Leadership (23) – Paul uses Christ & His Church as an analogy.

Spiritual – Joshua 24:15 – Sharing the gospel with your family is the first obligation of spiritual leadership. (The gospel: We all fall short of God’s perfect standard. God is holy. Sin cannot enter His presence. Jesus lived a perfect life. Taking our place Jesus died on the cross shedding His blood to pay for our sins. He resurrected the third day. Anyone who will turn their lives over to Him and trust Him for forgiveness can have eternal life, Romans 10:13.)

Moral – 1 Cor.16: 13

2.  Love (25-33a) – Show love!

Sacrificial – (25) this is a love that gives to the other. We are to give up our rights.

Continual – (26, 27) Love is often spelled T-I-M-E. It gives security & reassurance to our family.

Exclusive – (28-30) a monogamous relationship is God’s standard, (Ex.20:14).

Unconditional – (31-33a) DIVORCE should not be in the Christian’s vocabulary. Our human imperfections allow us to see God work in our lives.

WOMEN TO BE WOMEN (5:22, 24, 33b)

In the first century women were considered property and were segregated from men. The God of the Bible elevates women to a place of respect and honor.

Women have an invaluable place in God’s work. Biblical truth is seen as controversial. There are 2 insights about women in the text:

  1. Role (vs.22, 24) “hupotasso” is a Greek word translated “submit” or “subject.” It is a military term meaning to “arrange in order, under.” God is a God of order. 1 Cor. 11:3-16 gives the order. 1 Cor.15:28 says the Son is subject to the Father. Jesus was not a second rate person in the Godhead, but He has a specific role to fulfill. By fulfilling God’s role assignment you are at God’s best.
  2. Relationship (v.33b) the words “respect” or “reverence” comes from the Greek word, “PHOBUS”. This is a “dread of displeasing.” A person in love desires and works for the best of the other. A wife is the heart of the home, Prov. 31:10, 1 Peter 3:1-6.



Scripture refers to the father as the leader. We can include both parents in child rearing. Every child has 3 basic needs:

  1. Testimony – Live before them the gospel
  2. Touch – Give children a disciplined structure
  3. Talk – Train children in the Word of God.

Parents are to be God’s instruments shaping a godly generation.

Only by the Holy Spirit’s empowerment can our homes be happy. I encourage you to have prayer and the Word of God read in your home. Your decision will help determine your family’s legacy. It can be a legacy of love for each other and the watching world. We must live out our faith starting in the home.

Executive Director Emeritus
Jim Richards
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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