CORPUS CHRISTI?Marcos Ramos, pastor of Galena Park First Baptist Church, received the Dr. Jose Rivas Annual Outstanding Achievement Award Oct 26 during the Annual Hispanic Pre-Convention Rally.
Rudy Hernandez lauded Ramos for “his tireless effort for the kingdom” as SBTC Executive Director Jim Richards presented the award.
Serving as master of ceremonies, Hernandez expressed gratitude for God’s presence and empowerment as described in Isaiah 41:10. Richards thanked Hernandez for coordinating the Hispanic rally in spite of health challenges in recent months. Hernandez previously served as SBTC Hispanic consultant.
Richards spoke of the vital role of Hispanics within the state convention, describing Hispanic Baptists as a deeply conservative group who believe in presenting the gospel to the lost and starting churches. Southern Baptist Hispanics in Texas have a long tradition of cooperation with the Southern Baptists in Texas,” Richards said. “Hispanic Baptists and the SBTC are compatible in virtually every area,” he emphasized.
“We stand for the inerrant, infallible word of God and the doctrines that flow from it,” Richards said, describing the confessional fellowship of SBTC. While putting missions and evangelism in the forefront, more ethnic than Anglo churches are being started, the majority of which are Hispanic. “SBTC started with a small number of Hispanic congregations,” he said, adding, “It would be easier to plant new churches in Texas if more Hispanic congregations were affiliated. Without a strong Hispanic Southern Baptist presence in Texas where will the next generation go for leadership?”
Richards predicted, “If Jesus tarries his coming and I live long enough, I expect to see a Hispanic executive director of the SBTC. I will rejoice in that day.” He spoke of the strong participation of Hispanics on the program of the fifth annual meeting, including Dt1:PersonName>avid Galvan of Garland delivering the convention sermon, Bob Gomez of Corpus Christi leading music, and Rudy Hernandez of Grand Prairie receiving the highest award of SBTC. “Hispanics are vital to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.”
SBTC First Vice President Dt1:PersonName>avid Galvan, pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida in Garland, praised the relationship between Hispanics and SBTC, expressing gratitude for “the hand of God on the convention.” Through the Hispanic Initiative conceived by Hernandez in cooperation with Richards, Galvan said Hispanic Baptist ministers would be challenged to move “from a G.E.D. to a Ph.D.” He and Hernandez spoke of the commitment of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Paige Patterson to encourage such educational pursuits by Hispanics.
Local pastor Isaac Rodriguez of Segunda Iglesia Bautista in Corpus Christi welcomed the more than 100 participants. Gospel singer Julio Arriola of Guadalajara, Mexico, provided a brief concert and Houston pastor Silvano Paiva of Baptist Missions Fellowship delivered a message on “God’s Word for This Hour.” Kevy Rojas of the SBC Annuity Board challenged ministers to take advantage of the services offered in the area of retirement planning.