Praying about the war

Our military serving overseas and here at home

Exodus 17:8-14

An example of the power of intercession in war

1 Samuel 30:8-10, 17-25

An illustration of the significance of those remaining stateside

4 Pray for safety in combat, from accidents, and while P.O.W.s

The families of our service men and women

James 1:27

The spouses and children left behind at home are “practical” widows and orphans today, and potentially “actual” widows and “orphans'”

Pray for needs (spiritual and physical) to be met, for encouragement, for comfort

Our nation’s leaders

1 Timothy 2:1-2

An instruction to pray for leaders

James 1:5

God’s answer for those desiring wisdom

Pray for wisdom and discernment for civilian and military leadership (what to do, when to do it, when to cease)

A quick end to the armed conflict

2 Chronicles 20:1-12, 18-25

An illustration of how quickly God can end a conflict in answer to prayer

Pray for quick success in meeting necessary objectives

Accuracy and effectiveness of weaponry

1 Samuel 17:32-51

An example of God providing accuracy for a weapon

Psalm 58:1-11

A prayer including a request that God would render the enemy’s weapons ineffective

Pray that our weapons would hit their assigned targets and accomplish their assigned purposes; and that the weapons of our enemy would be ineffective

The safety of non-combatants

Psalm 41:1

An illustration of the importance God places on helping the helpless

Genesis 1:27

The reason every human life is precious

Pray for safety from weapons fired by both sides, from being used as involuntary ‘human shields’, from retaliation and abuse by current Iraqi regime

Rapid meeting of humanitarian needs

James 2:14-20

An explanation of the importance of meeting such needs

Pray food and medical care would reach the Iraqi people at levels exceeding what they have experienced

Military chaplains

Ephesians 6:18-20

A prayer request for the right words to speak and boldness in speaking

Pray for strength, wisdom, and willingness to speak as ambassadors for Christ

Christian Iraqis

Philippians 4:10-19

An example of Christians in one country ministering to a Christian in another country

4 Pray for physical safety from persecution by current government, by Muslims, and by anti-western Iraqis

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