Southeast Texas town sees 214 salvation decisions during ‘Festival of Hope’ crusade

Churches in the Southeast Texas town of Cleveland joined for a “Festival of Hope” crusade March 26-29 and saw 248 recorded decisions, including 214 professions of faith. The crusade, originally scheduled for October but delayed by Hurricane Rita last fall, was the first “Festival of Hope.”

Sponsored in part by the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention evangelism division, the “Festival of Hope” concept is tailored to cities of 25,000 population or less. The Cleveland event featured longtime crusade veterans John McKay and Joe Simmons, who also serve as evangelism consultants to the SBTC, and evangelist Ronnie Hill.

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BRENTWOOD, Tenn.— As pastors speak and pray with their congregations, they say they’re also keeping persecuted Christians around the world in mind. More than nine in 10 U.S. Protestant pastors (93%) say their church has engaged ...

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