Southern Baptists vote historic ethnic measure

PHOENIX—Sensitive to the need for greater diversity in leadership and increased participation of ethnics, the Southern Baptist Convention voted overwhelmingly June 14 to ask for greater accountability regarding their involvement in SBC life.

During a news conference after the vote, Paul Kim, pastor emeritus of Antioch Baptist Church in Cambridge, Mass., said: “I want ethnic pastors and leaders to also have the opportunity to express their love for Southern Baptists in Christ. We have to work together.”

It was Kim who asked messengers at the 2009 SBC annual meeting to study how ethnic churches and leaders could better partner with others to serve the SBC. After a two-year workgroup study of the motion, the SBC Executive Committee approved a 10-part recommendation for the Phoenix meeting, citing the “need to be proactive and intentional in the inclusion of individuals from all ethnical and racial identities within Southern Baptist life.”

For the first time in history, the convention will ask its entities to provide “a descriptive report of participation of ethnic churches and church leaders in the life and ministry of the respective SBC entity;” the SBC president to “give special attention to appointing individuals who represent the diversity within the Convention” to committees under his purview; and a subcommittee of the EC to provide a report each year in February with an update on how each of the recommendations has been addressed.

Members of the Executive Committee’s communications workgroup joined Kim for a news conference after the vote. They were Darrell Orman, pastor of First Baptist Church in Stuart, Fla.; Robert Anderson, pastor of Colonial Baptist Church in Randallstown, Md.; and workgroup chairman Scott Kilgore, senior pastor of Crossland Community Church in Bowling Green, Ky.

For decades, Southern Baptists have passed resolutions and motions on the inclusion of minorities and ethnics—and elected a few to various positions at the state and national level, Orman said. The action at the annual meeting, however, took things a step further.

“The real power of this report is actually that it is now inculcated into the machinery of the Southern Baptist Convention, a [new] level of accountability,” Orman said.

The recommendation does not establish a practice of affirmative action, Orman said. Instead, it gives something tangible to those who say, “We have been patient.”

Now people can say there is “machinery in effect,” along with accountability and a “metric” for measurement, Orman said.

Kim said the 16-million-member convention historically has had many ethnic fellowships that convene throughout the year—some assembling in the same city as the SBC annual meeting. He believes Southern Baptists would be stronger if they would work more closely with all groups in the denomination.

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