Southwestern elects new faculty members


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary trustees approved a slate of nine new faculty members, adopted a 2.6 percent increase for the 2011-2012 budget in the amount of nearly $34.9 million which provides a 1 percent salary increase to career employees, and approved plans to build two and three-bedroom campus apartments within nine new buildings, providing 252 units for singles and families.

A trustee resolution affirmed the definition of marriage as “uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime” as contained in the Baptist Faith and Message. The statement acknowledged the moral and legal “pressures upon the traditional view and practice of marriage,” that frequently have the support of media and political figures, but recognized that Christians are called upon to speak with clarity and definitiveness regarding biblical standards.

The board also also passed routine policies relating to conflict of interest and board dismissal to keep the institution in compliance with practices recommended by accreditors. Other actions involving curriculum revisions to the D.Min, School of Music Ph.D., a name change for the counseling center, and a report from the president regarding the Taking the Hill evangelistic effort, Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, B.S. degree in biblical studies will be reported in the next issue of the TEXAN and are available online at

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