Strobel among speakers for Evang. Conference

FRISCO?Lee Strobel, author of more than 20 books including bestsellers “The Case for Faith” and “The Case for Christ,” will be among the speakers at the annual SBTC Empower Evangelism Conference, Feb. 28-March 2 at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco.

Strobel, former award-winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, was an atheist until a two-year investigation into the claims of Christianity led him to surrender in faith to Jesus Christ. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and a master of legal studies degree from Yale Law School.

His latest books include “The Unexpected Adventure” (written with Mark Mittelberg), “The Case for the Real Jesus,” and “The Case for the Resurrection.” His first novel, “The Ambition,” is due out this spring.

A noted apologist, Strobel’s website,, has numerous multimedia resources equipping Christians to defend the faith.

“Jesus Christ is Lord!” is the conference theme, taken from Philippians 2:9-11.

The annual conference of preaching, teaching and music will feature a wide array of speakers, including pastors such as Jack Graham, Kie Bowman and Bryant Jones, author and evangelist Darrell Robinson, and women such as Pam Tebow (mother of the Denver Broncos’ Tim Tebow) and Dorothy Patterson. Musical guests will include Babbie Mason and Charles Billingsley.

For more information on the conference, visit

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