A great question, an honest answer

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of having lunch with area pastors at the San Antonio Baptist Association building. It was a great time of wonderful food and even better fellowship.

It was a great time of wonderful food and even better fellowship. It was so good to reunite with friends I have known for years and make new friends with whom I will serve alongside for the acceleration of the gospel. The entire day was such a blessing to me, and I was encouraged by hearing pastors tell one another how God was moving in their churches. 

I was invited to the luncheon in order to introduce myself and allow pastors to get to know me. Prior to lunch, we had a time for me to share and then take questions from the pastors gathered. There were some great questions that were asked during this time. One question, however, stuck out to me and has not left my mind. I was asked something similar to this: “If you could look down the road in 25 years, what are one or two things you would want your time at the SBTC to be marked by or known for?” 

"If you could look down the road in 25 years, what are one or two things you would want your time at the SBTC to be marked by or known for?"

I love this question. My answer was simple yet is the desire of my heart. I stated that I want to, first and foremost, be marked and known as a man of undeniable integrity. As I begin to live out my calling at the SBTC, the most significant priority of my time, energy, and focus must be on living out Ephesians 4:1-3. Paul states “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity in the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

This is my first pursuit before anything else—to walk closely with Jesus so that out of the overflow of my walk with him and through the integrity of my heart, effective ministry abounds. This is my hope, this is my dream, this is my pursuit. 

As I pursue living my life with utmost integrity, I may not always get it right, but I will always seek to do the right thing. I am asking the Lord for a long and effective ministry at the SBTC. It is my hope and desire to see God do great things among us in the coming years. If the Lord is gracious to allow me to find myself down that road in 25 years, I want my heart to still be singing a song 
I first heard at a Passion conference while in college. Mark 
Altrogge’s song “One Pure and Holy Passion” says it well: 

Give me one pure and holy passion,

Give me one magnificent obsession. 

Give me one glorious ambition for my life.

To know and follow hard after you.

I love you and am grateful to serve you.

Executive Director
Nathan Lorick
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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