Communicating our pro-life convictions clearly

This past month we witnessed the answer to decades of prayer with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V. Wade. This is a huge victory for life! 

In the days that followed, I watched mixed responses from pro-life Christians. It became obvious to me that the conversation about abortion has become such a polarizing political issue that many Christians are left wondering how to respond. 

I believe this is due to how ill-equipped believers are to explain their pro-life position with conviction and compassion. Many pro-life Christians are deeply convicted on this issue but unable to adequately communicate their beliefs. Abortion is a complex issue in our culture. There are so many arguments pertaining to the 100 different “what if” scenarios such as rape, incest, situations where the mother’s life is at risk, a broken foster care and adoption system … the list goes on. These scenarios have left many believers confused as to how to respond and led some even to compromise. We must admit that the pro-choice secular culture is a lot better at confusing the issue than most Christians are at clarifying it. 

Therefore, we have to equip our people to think with what I refer to as “theological logic.” Complex moral issues, such as abortion, require that we are grounded both in the theological reasons of why we are pro-life and the ability to logically apply that theology to the complexity of the issue. Let me illustrate it.

When it comes to theology, the Bible is clear about two fundamental truths regarding life. First, all humanity has intrinsic value and is therefore deserving of equality and dignity because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Secondly, all human life begins at conception (Job 31:15; Psalm 51:5; Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:4-5). We also must acknowledge that science overwhelmingly agrees with the Scriptures on this.

Now, based on these two theological truths, here is the logic I use to explain my pro-life argument and establish a fundamental premise that helps me work through complex issues.

"We have an opportunity in front of us to show that followers of Jesus have a deep-rooted love for humanity."

Using this fundamental premise flow chart I have developed (inset above), I have established a fundamental premise statement: Abortion is morally and biblically wrong because it takes the life of an innocent human, which violates the truth that every person has intrinsic value. 

This fundamental premise statement enables me to work through the complexity of all the “what if’ arguments surrounding abortion and to have a theologically logical conversation that explains my pro-life position. Every argument given by the secular culture to justify abortion can be addressed by this statement. Regardless of the reasons a person may give to justify having an abortion, none of them would nullify this statement. Each of the “what if” situations requires attention, as well as unique and intentional care, but this statement helps us to clarify that abortion is off the table as a legitimate solution. It may not tell me what the answer is, but it definitely tells me what the answer is not.

Leaders, I want to encourage you to equip your churches to have pro-life conversations with those who may be opposed. We can with love, compassion, and grace give an explanation for our beliefs. We have an opportunity in front of us to show that followers of Jesus have a deep-rooted love for humanity, and it is that love that calls us to seek justice, serve the poor, stand against racism, care for orphans, adopt babies, and defend the unborn.

Therefore, we must stand and fight for justice for the marginalized and vulnerable in society, and no one in our nation is more vulnerable than the unborn—no one! 

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SBTC President
Todd Kaunitz
New Beginnings Baptist Church Longview
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