Easter: Time to seek renewal, awakening

Easter is a wonderful time of the year. Unlike Christmas, which is set on a questionable date, Easter is an authentic time of the year to commemorate our Lord’s death and resurrection. Perhaps more people are open to attending worship at Christmas, but Easter is still a prime time to reach people who need new life. New life is always exciting. The literal, physical bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus gives us assurance of eternal life. The power of the resurrected Lord is available to us. Praise God for his power and grace.

Over the last two months, I have been involved in Praying and Listening Sessions all across Texas. I am very encouraged by the faithful pastors, staff and laypersons who are serving Christ. Yet, spiritual times are tough. There are a lot of challenges facing churches today. We need spiritual renewal and awakening.

I draw a distinction between spiritual renewal and spiritual awakening. Spiritual renewal is for those who have life but need a refreshing. We used to call this revival. It is for the believer. Many believers feel they have lost their high ground. While America no longer has a “church” culture, followers of Jesus in many places have retreated into a siege mentality. In the contrast of old hymns, the theme is now “Hold the Fort” instead of “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Defeatism has crept into the church. We may suffer setbacks. Our standards of success may not be met. If we are faithful to seek his face and obey his voice, we cannot be defeated.

Experience a new walk with the risen Lord as a believer and congregation. Set aside time for prayer. Observe a fast. Hold a solemn assembly. We must get desperate before the Lord. Confession of sin, seeking God’s will, and surrendering to his leadership are all a part of it. Experience spiritual renewal this Easter!

Spiritual awakening is for those who are dead in their trespasses and sin. Just as it took the voice of Jesus to awaken Lazarus from his death-sleep, so it takes the voice of the Holy Spirit to awaken those who are lost. Spiritual awakening is a supernatural work of a sovereign God. If we want to see a large number of people come to Christ, it will take prayer. Asking God to remove the barriers that keep us from reaching others for Jesus is important. Another step is praying for God to soften the hearts of those who are lost. We need divine direction in the “how to” to reach them with the gospel. We need God to do what only he can do in working on the hearts of those who are lost.

I have read the last chapter of the Bible. Good news, we win. There is no biblical prohibition on a sweeping spiritual awakening in America before Jesus comes. God wants to save a multitude to bring glory to himself. While we are to go to the nations, we must not forget our nation.

Easter is an opportune time for all of us to reassess our spiritual standing. Spiritual renewal for those of us who are believers can begin now. Join with me in seeking a spiritual awakening in Texas, across America and around the world so that multiplied millions can have new life. Let’s look for something that only God can do. We do that when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!

Executive Director Emeritus
Jim Richards
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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