Family Days

Like many other matters related to denominational life, the Southern Baptist Convention calendar has fallen on hard times. Not too many churches note some of the emphases that have been approved by the messengers in annual meetings. I think it is time to reclaim observances of value. It might be “old school” but it is incumbent on us to remember some  practices we have abandoned. 

May begins with the first Sunday as Senior Adult Sunday. Since I am a senior adult, it seems almost self-serving to promote it. Boomers do not think of ourselves as senior adults like our parents did. Most of us have a mindset that we are 30 years of age rather than being closer to 80 years of age. We are more active, generally healthier and still desirous of making a difference than prior generations. As I approach so-called retirement, my “yes” is on the altar. Golf and fishing are fine, but they cannot define my last years on earth. I plan to do whatever God would have me to do. Churches should use Senior Adult Sunday to challenge those who are in this age group to do something worthwhile for the Lord Jesus in the fourth quarter of life. 

Mother’s Day is not on the SBC calendar, but Christian Home Week is May 9-15. It is hard to believe that honoring women for their contribution to the Lord’s work often becomes a forum on the role of women in the church. Women are worthy of recognition. Their contribution to the kingdom of God is invaluable. Some women are called to be single, and others cannot bear children, yet it is still appropriate to show appreciation to mothers. 

Christian Home Week is a good time to remind ourselves of the necessity of family worship. Deuteronomy 6:1-9 is not to be relegated to a bygone time. Although the primary interpretation of that passage concerns the Jewish people passing their faith on to the rising generation, there is a practical application for New Testament believers. Nothing takes the place of prayer and Bible study within the family unit. If we are going to see a vibrant living faith in the next generation, it will need to be nurtured in the home. We are one generation away from losing a Christian influence in our nation.

Students will be graduating from high school and college in May and June. These transformational moments in life provide an opportunity to underscore one final time the value system instilled in the home. Make much of following Jesus during the graduation celebrations. Send those students off with a passion to find God’s will.

Father’s Day is not on the SBC calendar in June, but a Baptist Men’s Day emphasis is. We desperately need godly men to provide leadership in the home, church and society. Calling men to serve Jesus is a bell that must be rung. Love for Jesus will be evidenced by a lifestyle that expresses itself in sacrifice. Ephesians 5:22-6:4 shows the role of the man in the home. When a man fulfills his responsibility to be a leader and to show love, everyone benefits. Leadership cannot be abdicated.

Culture’s definition of the family is fluid. The Baptist Faith & Message Statement (2000) in Article 18 defines the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention’s position on the family. It states, “God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. It is composed of persons related to one another by marriage, blood, or adoption.” The statement  goes on to say that marriage is between one man and one woman. There can be no equivocating on the biblical description of the family.

In these next two months, let us renew our commitment to placing our attention on strengthening the family. All seasons of life have their challenges, but by God’s grace we can make a difference to the glory of God. 

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Executive Director Emeritus
Jim Richards
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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