Presidential Elections in the U.S. and the SBC

Pundits are saying that the United States’ presidential election is a watershed. In all likelihood, the next president will shape the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future, which will greatly impact religious liberty. Public policy on sanctity of life and immigration will also shift according to who is elected. The deciding factor for the believer is to determine who will best represent biblical values. It might come down to voting against the one least representing biblical values. Remember there is never a perfect candidate.

Southern Baptists have an election for president too. We will hear glowing nomination speeches in June. Thankfully all three announced nominees are godly men who love the Lord Jesus. They all are theological conservatives, and I am grateful all three are faithful pastors. Although differing in style, their local church leadership is evidently blessed of God, and I am grateful for their examples. On all of these grounds, there is very little daylight between the candidates. Personalities are different. Individual circles of influence are different. Are there other factors to consider between these three deserving men?

I have attended 33 consecutive conventions, and Ronnie Floyd has been one of the best SBC presidents in my lifetime. President Floyd has brought disparate tribes of the SBC together. His emphasis on spiritual awakening must continue. Whoever our next president is, we need prayer gatherings across our convention, and promotion of personal witnessing must remain a priority. President Floyd has led us well in the area of racial reconciliation. Our president’s “team” approach says we need one another. The strongest ways he has demonstrated the value of cooperation is his emphasis on the Cooperative Program. Thank you, Ronnie Floyd, for a job well done.

One of the problems of having a new SBC president every two years is that the convention’s emphasis usually changes. Prayerfully consider the three announced candidates. One of the nominees may best represent an extension of momentum created by Ronnie Floyd’s leadership. Now is not the time for us to change course. We need to keep evangelism, prayer, reconciliation and cooperation in giving as priorities. Our SBC future depends on us staying together. 

Executive Director Emeritus
Jim Richards
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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