5 minutes with Deron Biles

Deron Biles has served as pastor of Sunnyvale First Baptist Church for two years following a two-and-a-half-year stint as its interim executive pastor. He previously spent 15 years teaching preaching and pastoral ministry on the faculty of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Biles pastored other churches for 15 years, served on staff at the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, and now serves on its executive board. He and his wife, Jaye, have four sons and six grandchildren.

What is something you’ve been able to celebrate at Sunnyvale FBC recently?

There are countless reasons I feel blessed of the Lord to serve as pastor. … The staff members with whom I serve are gifts to our church and a blessing and encouragement to me. [One thing] the Lord has done recently in our church for which I give Him praise is the growth of our Hispanic ministry, Sunnyvale Español. We’ve seen God bless and grow this work under the leadership of Pastor David Galvan. By God’s grace and through fellowship, joint ministry and missions projects, and occasional bilingual services, we’re seeing God doing awesome things.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your ministry lately? 

Transitioning back into the pastoral role, leading a church through COVID, building a core team, and waiting on God’s timing. There are many things I am believing God for right now. In my own mind, I’d love to see those already in place, but the Lord is teaching me to wait on His timing. The church needs to see clear leadership from me that is guided by God’s hand and in submission to His will.

What’s a lesson you’ve learned to this point of your ministry you know you’ll never forget? 

Ministry is about people. We are called by God to serve His people and to serve with His people. They take priority over schedules, programs, or plans. Even programs done with excellence, if they don’t meet the needs of the people we serve, are misspent. We are called to see people, be with people, equip people, love people, appreciate people, care for people, and learn from people. … People are not an interruption. They must be the focus.

What’s one thing you’d like to see God do specifically at FBC Sunnyvale this year? 

At the top of my list is an effort we have just launched in evangelism and discipleship. I am praying God stirs a passion for evangelism, equips us with tools, and provides many opportunities to share our faith with others. We recently introduced a gospel tract that one of our staff, Frank Harber, and I co-wrote. We’ve asked our people to pray for opportunities to share this intentionally with others or simply to [leave] it in strategic places. A discipleship plan will follow.

How can the other SBTC churches be praying for you? 

When I first began serving as pastor here, some people asked me how they could pray for me. I shared with the church a list of 10 ways I was asking them to pray for me: [That I would have] a pastor’s heart, an elder’s wisdom, a preacher’s eloquence, a priest’s intercession, a scribe’s carefulness with His Word, an overseer’s administrative skill, a prophet’s courage, a shepherd’s humility, a teacher’s insight, and an evangelist’s heart for the lost.

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