5 minutes with Leah Holder Green

Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Executive Board member Leah Holder Green has been teaching God’s Word since she was 17 and writes Bible study curriculum for Second Baptist Church of Houston. She practiced law before entering full-time ministry as a Bible curriculum specialist. In addition to her work with Second Baptist, she is pursuing a Master of Arts in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary and has a speaking and writing ministry (leahholdergreen.com). Green and her husband, Clarence, have two daughters: Caylen Joy, a toddler, and Lena Hope, who is with the Lord.

What is one challenge you face as a Bible curriculum writer in 2023?

One challenge I face is presenting biblical truths in new and fresh ways, especially for young people. Although there is nothing new under the sun, the internet and social media have created interesting dynamics in the realm of Christian education. My aim is to keep the gift (God’s truth) the same and simply change the wrapping paper according to my audience.

What is your assessment of the state of biblical literacy in the modern church?

In my experience, biblical literacy is lacking in the modern church. It seems many people are content to receive biblical teaching and knowledge from … untrained and unverified sources on social media. I once saw a post on Instagram that said, “God does not want you to deny yourself,” and many self-proclaimed Christians liked the post. I found it baffling because Matthew 16:24 clearly reads, “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me.’” [So] one aim of my Bible teaching ministry is to encourage people to study and love God’s Word.

How does in-house curriculum writing benefit a congregation?

Some benefits of in-house curriculum writing include ensuring veracity and relevance. It is important to screen any pre-written curriculum to make sure it presents orthodox Christian teaching. Writing the curriculum in-house helps ensure fidelity to Scripture and sound Christian doctrine. Further, writing curriculum in-house enables churches to tailor the lessons and illustrations to their congregants’ particular needs, communities, and seasons of life.

Where do you see the greatest needs as they pertain to curriculum?

I write curriculum primarily for youth and women. While everyone needs sound Christian education, I believe it is especially important for youth. They are impressionable, seeking truth, and developing their worldviews. I pray God allows me to participate in helping them form biblical worldviews.

How can the churches of the SBTC be praying for you and your ministry?

I love God, I love His Word, and I love His people. I also love learning and sharing what I learn. Thus, I find my calling as a Bible teacher and Christian author incredibly rewarding. Whenever we work to advance God’s kingdom of light, we necessarily encounter opposition from the enemy’s kingdom of darkness. I’d appreciate prayer that I will stay the course, keep my mind on the things above, and fulfill every purpose God has ordained for my life and ministry.

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