5 minutes with Moises Gomez

Moises Gomez has pastored First Irving en Español since its founding in August 2019. The church, a ministry of First Baptist Irving (where Gomez serves on staff), has grown from a core group of 14 to 225. Gomez, 46, was born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He and his wife, Betsey, have four children ranging from in age from 2 to 14.

What is something you’ve been able to celebrate at First Irving en Español recently?

We are celebrating how the church has embraced God’s Word and the gospel. Also, we rejoice in seeing how our church members are living in community as one body. There is something special happening in many organic ways: people serving each other, taking care of the body’s needs, praying, and reading the Bible in community. They are loving and living the truths of the gospel, internally within the church and externally in the community. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your ministry lately?

The cultural differences we face can be challenging. As a Hispanic pastor on staff at an American/English-speaking congregation, I am always learning and serving as a bridge with the Spanish-speaking members. There is more to translate and interpret than just language. Even within Hispanic cultures, there is a lot of diversity and we want all to understand that our identity is not primarily in our national background or social status but in Christ.

What’s a lesson you’ve learned to this point of your ministry that you know you’ll never forget?

That God is the one who builds His church. He is the one. We have so many testimonies of God’s mighty hand growing us as we stand under the authority of His Word. We don’t want to take the credit. God is the one who promised to build His church. We must never forget it.

What’s one thing you’d like to see God do specifically at First Irving en Español this year?

I would like to see the Lord move in our people so that they may continue to grow in their understanding of the gospel, so that they may display its beauty and power in their homes and communities.

How can the other SBTC churches be praying for you?

Please pray for laborers within the church, for servants who understand the sacrificial call of ministry, and that God will continue to give us love for one another and the community. 

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