Wrong has never felt so right

God uses pastor’s misdialed number to lead Fort Worth woman to salvation

Larry Dan Melton, Pioneer Campus pastor at Fielder Church, says that when the church joins together to seek God in fervent prayer and is thirsty to see Him move in their midst, miracles begin to happen.

Even through a wrong number dialed on a phone.  

Melton said he recently was debating whether he should tackle one of the many things on his to-do list or make contacts with first-time guests to the church. As he pondered, he said he felt the Holy Spirit prompt him to make phone calls to the new visitors.

“God began to work and move even before I made that call because I had the option to continue with my other ministry tasks, but I felt the Spirit leading me to call,” Melton said.

The church is very culturally diverse, and one of the names written on the first-time guest card was difficult to pronounce, Melton said. So he called the number, introduced himself, and asked the woman on the other line how to pronounce her name.

The woman proceeded to pronounce her name—Daisy—which was not the name Melton saw written on the guest card. It didn’t take Melton long to realize he had dialed the wrong number. Even so, he said he felt the Spirit prompt him to continue the conversation. In doing so, he soon learned that Daisy was a woman struggling in deep brokenness. 

“When I make wrong number calls, I just usually apologize, wish them a good day, and hang up the call,” Melton said. “On this occasion, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to ask this woman how I could pray for her, and that’s when she started crying and opened the door to talk about the gospel.”

Fielder Church has put an emphasis on crying out to God, and in doing so, is seeing God do amazing things. SUBMITTED PHOTOS

"God began to work and move even before I made that call because I had the option to continue with my other ministry tasks, but I felt the Spirit leading me to call."

When Melton realized the environment she was in at that moment was not conducive for a longer conversation, he asked her if she lived in the area and invited her to the office to talk so he could continue to share the gospel with her. Daisy agreed to meet and, a week later, met with Melton. After hearing the good news of Christ, she confessed Jesus as her Savior and was born again that day, which happened to be her mother’s birthday.

From that day forward, Daisy began attending Fielder Church, was baptized (one of 152 people who have been baptized at Fielder the past two months), and is part of the discipleship class led by the Spanish pastor, Rafael Rondon. The church is working to help her connect with other believers and continue to grow in her faith.

“Salvation is the starting point, but the goal is for them to be discipled so they can share their story with others,” said Melton, who each week works to get new believers connected and discipled so they can then disciple others. “This is not about me, but it’s a result of us as a church praying for the move of the Spirit and this story and many more are God’s answer to our prayers.” 

Fielder Church has begun to experience revival from the moment their lead pastor, Jason Paredes, said he heard God tell him, “It’s time for you to move from praying about your strategy to making prayer the strategy.” From then on, God has been taking this church’s three Metroplex campuses on a journey to see Him move like they have never seen Him move before because they are praying like they have never prayed before.

Each week, all three of Fielder’s campuses cry out for miracles of God, for marriages to be restored, for addiction cycles to be broken, for ministries to grow, and people come to faith in Jesus. God is answering.

“Through the journey we have been on as a ministry team and the leadership of our lead pastor, we have learned that our obedience to God must be immediate and complete. This process has helped me to be more sensitive to the Spirit’s move and to walk in obedience to His leading,” Melton said.

He also shared that through this experience and the process of seeking to become a praying church, God has moved him to stop more often to pray and to be expectant of what God will do next—even through a “wrong” move.

Arlene Sanabria
Southern Baptist Texan
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