SBTC missions team launches prayer website

The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention has launched a new tool for those who want to make their evangelistic praying more specific and effective. This tool, called the “Elevate Missions Prayer Rooms,” is “an online missions-oriented prayer website designed to encourage prayer support for ministries in Texas and around the world,” said Christina Clark, an SBTC church planting ministry assistant.

Church members, missionaries, and church planters are able to submit missions-oriented prayer requests to be posted in one of three prayer rooms: International, North America, or Texas. People may also visit these rooms to view and pray for needs that others have submitted.

Seeking a sense of God’s power and guidance, the SBTC missions team saw a deep need for this ministry.

“Prayer is an indispensable element of ministry regardless of where you are serving and who you are reaching,” Clark said. “The missions team designed this site to bring more prayer support for the ministries that it supports and for the churches it serves.”

“Not only does Elevate Missions Prayer Rooms allow you to receive more prayer support for your own ministry, but it allows you to be a part of God’s work in other areas as well,” Clark said. “We hope that through this website, individuals and churches will gain a greater vision for what God is doing in Texas and around the world and develop partnerships with each other.”

The front page of the Elevate Missions website offers one of three links. The International Prayer Room, North America Prayer Room, or the Texas Prayer Room. It also has links that will allow a person to subscribe to a newsletter, submit a prayer request, or contact the missions team.

One click-through on the desired link will guide visitors to the specific area of the world, continent, or state where they can view the prayer requests.

There are eight viewable areas of the world. For example, one is Middle America and the Caribbean, which is currently requesting prayer for the border of Mexico because of the outbreak of kidnappings for ransom, increased homicides, thefts, rapes and street crime related to the Mexican government’s war against the drug cartels.

At the Europe link, there is a prayer request for ESL partners to be called from the states to work with and minister to Russian students. Under the South America tab, a request is posted for South Americans to learn about Christ and to leave their former “spiritual” lives behind to live a life based on the Word of God.

The prayer requests for the Pacific Rim are for a trip the Southern Cross Project Team will take from April 25-May 6. On this trip a team of seven will distribute gospel materials to Chinese tourists in Singapore.

Many other requests are found at Terry Coy, SBTC missions director, said: “Some people may be like I am. I want to pray more and pray more effectively.
Unfortunately, I get busy and distracted easily, and just simply don’t do it. The Elevate Missions Prayer Rooms are one way to be more effective and intentional in praying for specific people and missions efforts. It can help the person praying to be more focused and strategic, and help the ones doing missions in getting a critical prayer request to those praying warriors.”

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