Houston’s First Baptist Church gives over $2.2 million in annual world missions offering, surpassing goal

HOUSTONIn a show of support for missionaries, Houston’s First Baptist Church announced on Sunday, March 1, that members had given $2,286,312 to the church’s annual World Mission Offering. The total surpassed their goal of raising $1,400,000 to be given to three Southern Baptist organizations — the International Mission Board ($1,000,000), the North American Mission Board ($300,000), and the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention ($100,000).

The additional funds will be distributed to pre-determined projects and organizations such as local pro-life causes, scripture translation projects, church planting in India, Houston Welcomes Refugees, Legacy 685 Adoption, Foster, & Orphan Care, and the church’s general Missions fund.

Pastor Gregg Matte pointed out that 2,526 donors contributed to the offering, with each “donor” being either an individual, a couple, or a family. Among those who gave were 406 donors who contributed to the church for the very first time.

“We thank God for how He consistently moves in the hearts of our church family — and how our church family consistently follows His lead,” said Pastor Gregg Matte. “Because of our church family’s faithfulness to generously give as He led us to give, we are able to make a difference in the lives of more people than we will ever know. But, we know that He knows each one of them by name and we pray that they will be open to receiving the Gospel.”

The World Mission Offering is just one way that Houston’s First supports missionaries and missional endeavors throughout the year. Other ways the church is committed to advancing the Good News include:

  • The church’s Great Commission Fund (annual operating budget) has $4,500,000 designated for Missions.
  • Between $10,000,000-$12,000,000 is processed by the church’s Missions team on an annual basis, including budgeted funds as well as designated donations such as contributions raised by members of short-term mission trips.
  • In 2020, Houston’s First will send out nearly 30 teams on short-term mission trips to 17 countries on five continents.
  • Houston’s First supports over 200 missionaries serving in more than 35 countries around the world.
  • The church’s Missionary Care ministry trains members so they can connect with missionaries on the field, and provides a wide range of resources for global workers on the field and when they return home.

Houston’s First Baptist Church is a relevant biblical community where members gather their hearts, grow their souls and give their lives away. Since its founding in 1841, Houston’s First has been committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and taking care of those in need locally and around the globe. Pastor Gregg Matte leads the multisite church with several campuses in the greater Houston area — The Loop, Cypress, Downtown, and Sienna. www.HoustonsFirst.org

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